Every home needs three things: some walls, a roof, and a big jar of coconut oil. (Get a 14oz. jar for $6.) Alright, maybe need is a strong word, but the benefits of coconut oil are so impressive you might be calling it a necessity too after putting it to work.

Along with being a brain-boosting, fat-busting oil to cook and bake with, coconut oil is incredible for moisturizing your body, especially in those dry winter months. In particular, using coconut oil for hair does wonders to keep your locks lustrous and healthy.

What makes coconut oil so special? Coconut oil is made up of lauric fatty acids, which are small enough to actually penetrate the hair shaft, rather than just sit on top like other oils. It also has antioxidants and antifungal properties, which help fight dandruff.

So what are you waiting for!? Whip up this easy, budget-friendly hair mask, and release your inner Rapunzel already!

Coconut Oil Hair Mask

What You’ll Need:

  • 2 Tbsp. Unrefined Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  • 1 Tbsp. Honey
  • 1 Egg

Step 1: Heat Up the Coconut Oil

When coconut oil is stored below 76 degrees Fahrenheit, it turns solid and is difficult to mix with other ingredients. Melt two tablespoons of the oil over the stove, or pop it in the microwave for a few seconds.

Pro tip: You can also mix hardened coconut oil in a blender until it emulsifies, forming a puffy, thick cream that’s easy to handle.

Step 2: Combine Oil with Egg and Honey

Assess your hair to determine which parts of the egg you should use in your personalized mask. Dry hair types should use just the yolk of the egg to add moisture, while oily hair types should use only the egg whites. Normal hair types can use the whole egg for both boosted moisture and shine. Whisk the egg parts along with the honey into the warm coconut oil until the mixture is consistent.

Why honey, honey? Well, it’s chock-full of health benefits.

Step 3: Apply to Damp, Clean Hair

Separate your hair into sections and apply the mask, starting at the tips of your strands and working up to the root.

Step 4: Wrap and Relax

While half an hour is long enough to reap the benefits of this hydrating mask, ideally it should be left in overnight—especially if your hair is super dry. Pile your hair on your head, wrap it up to protect your pillowcases and hit the hay. Shower caps or old t-shirts work great, although a hot towel fresh from the dryer will definitely boost your pampering game.

Send yourself off to dreamland the right way with the calming drink people have dubbed “Moon Milk.”

Step 5: Rinse It Out

Use your favorite shampoo and warm water to wash out the mask. It may take two shampoos to fully get the mask out. Since the mask itself is so hydrating, you might find you don’t need to apply conditioner.

Step 6: Repeat Weekly

You’ll see results right away, but a weekly coconut oil mask will continue to make your hair feel silkier and fuller with every application. If you don’t have time to whip up a full mask, just melt the coconut oil by itself and apply to your hair.

Can Coconut Oil Repair Damaged Hair?

When applied as a hair mask, coconut oil works to repair damaged hair by entering the shaft and moisturizing the hair from within. Avoid harmful styling and hair coloring decisions that can wreak havoc on healthy hair. Coconut oil is also totally natural, so you know you aren’t doing further damage to your hair by introducing strange chemicals.

Ready to discover even more benefits of coconut oil? Try these beauty tips.