DEAR PEGGY: I have a pie recipe that calls for 1/2 cup whipping cream, whipped. Is it possible to substitute
Can whipped topping be substituted for whipped cream?
DEAR PEGGY: I have a pie recipe that calls for 1/2 cup whipping cream, whipped. Is it possible to substitute fat-free frozen whipped topping for the cream? If so, what proportions do I use? — B.C., Huntsville, Alabama
Whipping cream doubles its volume when whipped. So in the case of your pie, you would use 1 cup whipped topping in place of 1/2 cup whipping cream that is whipped. Keep in mind, our Test Kitchen has experienced superior results using reduced-fat whipped topping instead of fat-free when it’s folded into other ingredients, as you would for pies, cake filling and refrigerated cheesecakes. The reduced-fat version seems to be more stable and retains a thicker consistency than the fat-free variety. We like fat-free whipped topping for dollops and garnishes.
Click here to learn how to make whipped cream at home.