Nearly 30 years after it premiered, Friends still has a tight grip on pop culture. It wasn’t just the titular friend group that Friends fans grew to love—even their apartments and Central Perk hold a dear spot in their hearts.

Friends wouldn’t be Friends without Central Perk. Monica, Phoebe, Rachel, Chandler, Joey and Ross’ hangout appeared in every episode. If you’ve always wanted to sit on the couch and catch up with your best friends, that dream can now be a reality. A coffee shop inspired by Central Perk is officially open—and this time, it’s sticking around for good.

Have you been to the best coffee shop in your state yet?

Central Perk Is Open for Real This Time

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The concept of a real-life Central Perk cafe sounds familiar because it’s happened a few times before. Warner Brothers held its first Central Perk pop-up up in New York in 2014 in honor of Friends20th anniversary. Since then, it’s made appearances and inspired a few imitators.

This time, however, Central Perk has a brick-and-mortar location and sells its own Friends-themed coffee. Don’t forget to brush up on the type of coffee you want before you get there!

When can I visit?

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The Central Perk cafe is now open in Boston, MA. Though the cafe isn’t located in New York, where the show was based, Boston does happen to be one of the best cities for coffee. And if you can’t make it to Boston to chill on the big orange couch, Central Perk coffee is available to purchase on the shop’s website. Look for four varieties of coffee: “How You Doin’?” a medium roast; “Pivot Blend,” a medium/dark roast; “We Were on a Coffee Break,” a dark roast and “Moo Point,” a medium roast decaf. You can also buy the “Gunther! Espresso” beans or the “Oh. My. Gawd!” medium roast cold brew ground beans.

The website notes that there are more locations coming, so you might just get a cozy cafe nearer to you after all. In the meantime, get your Friends fix and stream old episodes or enjoy one of these Friends-inspired recipes, gift yourself a Friends-themed mug with some Friends coffee creamer, or make the Jennifer Aniston salad that she allegedly ate on set every day.