It’s time for a little bread baking 101! Baking homemade yeast bread recipes is a joy, but plenty of questions can pop up after you’ve combined your flour, water, yeast and salt.

The question that looms largest in the minds of both amateur bakers and seasoned pros is, “how long does it take for dough to rise?” Don’t worry: We’ll break it down for you here, along with other bread proofing questions.

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How long does it take for bread dough to rise?

The short answer is that it depends. Factors like the temperature of your kitchen and the freshness of your yeast, along with humidity and water temperature, can all affect the proofing time of your bread dough.

In a toasty kitchen, your dough may proof in as little as an hour (or less!). When the temperatures dip, it can take much longer—upwards of two or even three hours. You’ll know it’s done when it has a full, puffed appearance, like in the image below.

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How do I get dough to rise faster?

Try letting the dough proof next to a heat source, or in your oven with just the light on. Since heat rises, on top of the fridge is a good spot, too! Have a flat loaf that just isn’t budging? Here’s why your bread isn’t rising.

Test Kitchen tip: Sweet bread doughs and whole-grain loaves both take longer to rise, so plan accordingly.

Can I leave my bread to rise overnight?

Yes, you can let your bread rise overnight in the fridge. Keep in mind, though, you’ll want the dough to come back up to room temperature before baking. If you want your dough to develop a slightly sour flavor, you can leave the dough at room temperature to rise, but you’ll need to punch it down, reshape and allow it to rise again before baking.

Next, read about what the end piece of bread is called.

Our Absolute Best Homemade Bread Recipes
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