Being from the Midwest, I’m especially knowledgeable about dairy products, taking two hours to say goodbye at family functions and Skyline Chili. If you’ve never had the pleasure of sampling Cincinnati chili, I can definitively say you’re missing out on some great grub. Does it have beans? No. Is it spicy? Nah. Is it delicious? You betcha.

Speaking of sweet, we got word that Skyline Chili ice cream manifested itself into existence with the help of Graeter’s, another Cincinnati icon. This duo teamed up to create what might be the ultimate unexpected ice cream event (right next to onion ice cream). I was first in line for a scoop.

What’s in Skyline Chili ice cream?

The ingredient list begins with a base of cream, milk and cane sugar, as expected. But then we enter into uncharted territory. Next on the list is oyster crackers. I mean, you can’t have chili without them, right? Then we have coconut oil, skim milk, eggs and spices, most likely cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Last are carob bean gum and guar gum as the ice cream’s thickening agents.

Is the chili ice cream good?

Birds eye view of a pint of Skyline Chili Ice Cream on the top left, with the ice cream in a red bowl to the bottom right and a close-up angle of a spoon of ice cream above itMelany Love for Taste Recipes

My ice cream was delivered in a Graeter’s stamped box. Gingerly slicing the tape, I opened the flaps and unleashed the freezing pint from its dry ice prison. I cut the plastic, flipped off the top and surveyed the subtle brown splendor.

This ice cream demands to be eaten. The aroma of cinnamon was unavoidable in the best way possible. I scooped up a spoonful, and in seconds, I experienced true bliss. There’s a reason Graeter’s has some of the best ice cream ever.

Each spice was loud but balanced. I could immediately taste the cinnamon, cloves, allspice and nutmeg. Think pumpkin spice sans pumpkin. I dove back in for an oyster cracker and was pleasantly surprised. The cracker more than kept its shape and sturdiness. While it didn’t offer much taste, it did add to the overall texture.

So, was it good? Yes! No doubt you had hesitations. I did, too. Then again, I am a sucker for weird ice cream flavors. But this ice cream did more than delight me—it impressed me. I had to force myself to put it back in the freezer and not demolish it in one sitting. True willpower on my part.

How to Buy Skyline Chili Ice Cream

To cop your own pint of Skyline Spice, head over to the Graeter’s website. It has over 30 unique flavors, including the limited edition Skyline Spice, and it ships nationwide. The brand currently only ships its pints in packs of six or 12, so don’t be afraid to sample even more from Graeter’s great library of flavors.