My first job was as a barista in my university’s library coffee shop. With no experience under my belt, I had to lock in and learn the ins and outs of being a barista. I fell in love with pulling shots and crafting drinks, so I decided to work at Starbucks. Trust me when I say I know how to make a quality cup of coffee.

If you’re a Starbs regular, you no doubt remember the Starbucks free refills from before the pandemic. Here’s some good news: That perk is back! Just purchase and enjoy your beverage in a Starbucks cafe to take advantage of this freebie.

When do Starbucks free refills return?

Starbucks dropped the good news this week and brought back its free refills for everyone on January 27.

Here’s how the free refills work: Head to a Starbucks cafe and order any beverage “for here.” That means a brewed coffee, a Frappuccino or a latte served in a mug, glass or a clean reusable cup you bring from home. Then, once you finish your drink, ask for a free refill of hot coffee, iced coffee, hot tea and iced tea. In other words, your first drink can be any beverage but the free refill will be hot or iced brewed coffee or tea.

What other perks are back at Starbucks?

While we’re over the moon about free refills making their grand re-entrance, Starbucks has even more beloved perks back in action. The condiment bar will be available once again at participating locations. Being able to adjust your own coffee is great for customers and a stress reliever for baristas. Everyone likes their coffee a bit different, and some would rather DIY than ask for modifications. Each bar will include creamer, milk and various sweeteners. If you don’t see your milk of choice available, Starbucks encourages you to ask your barista for help.

Starbucks also instituted a Code of Conduct for its cafes. Remember to be clean, kind and respectful to those around you. Let’s all bask in the glory of coffee together, shall we?