Many cooks have a “signature recipe” that folks ask for time and again. For Janice Perdue, it’s a tried-and-true treat.

“My husband and brother-in-law often request Favorite Peanut Butter Cake,” says the Oroville, California baker. “But they’ve both had bypass surgery, so I’m reluctant to prepare it. Can you help?”

Janice’s request presented a doubly good challenge for our home economists—they needed to slim down both the cake and the frosting.

They tackled the cake first, replacing one of the eggs with two egg whites. And because they eliminated half the butter, they added some applesauce to keep the cake moist.

Janice’s rich frosting called for peanut butter chips. Our home economists planned to replace them with low-fat peanut butter but discovered that the chips had less fat. The chips stayed, but the amount was decreased and a few peanuts were added for garnish.

“My husband and I are so happy with the revamped recipe,” she writes. “I took the lighter cake to a church meeting, and people thought it was delicious. One friend said it was the best cake he’s ever eaten!”

TIP: Peanut butter chips are usually lighter than reduced-fat peanut butter.