There's one fruit and one dessert that Dick Van Dyke credits for his longevity.

99-Year-Old Dick Van Dyke Eats This Surprising Food Combo Every Day

It’s no secret that we all share a slight obsession with wanting to know the habits that contribute to celebrities living such long lives. Bob Barker was a vegetarian, while Betty White loved her daily hot dog and vodka martini combo. It’s safe to say that there are a variety of lifestyles that allow people to live to nearly 100!
Legendary actor Dick Van Dyke is currently 99. He credits his longevity to many things, but more specifically, it comes down to two things that he eats every day. One of them makes sense, and the other may surprise you!
What does Dick Van Dyke eat every day?
A lot of celebrities are creatures of habit, which makes sense with their busy schedules. Some of them eat the same thing every day, like Willie Nelson and Kate Middleton, who happen to enjoy the same breakfast staple. But Dick Van Dyke’s daily diet includes something versatile and easily snackable: blueberries.
The little blue fruit is known to be quite an antioxidant powerhouse, and that’s supposedly why Van Dyke loves to eat them. He’s definitely more health-conscious now than he was in his youth; he quit smoking and drinking and only eats meat about once a week. And while blueberries are a staple for him, it’s a different habit that he really credits his youthfulness to…drumroll, please.
What does he credit his longevity to?
It’s not the blueberries. It’s not even the gym! He believes in the healing power of ice cream. More specifically, a pint of vanilla Häagen-Dazs ice cream topped with chocolate syrup, which he eats every night before bed. Yes, really, every night! Apparently, being young at heart is an important aspect of aging gracefully, so go ahead and ask for that dessert menu!