This Ziploc bag hack has been on social media rounds for years, and recently started taking TikTok by storm once again. I think we’ve all been there—sometimes you need a snack-sized zip-top bag, but don’t want to buy a whole box of them. For as long as this hack has been around, I’ve never given it a try.

It’s time to see if a hot knife will really cut the bag in half.

Does this Ziploc bag hack work?

A butter knife, a long lighter, and a clear resealable plastic bag are placed on a wooden cutting board with alternating light and dark wood stripes.Susan Bronson For Taste Of Home

To test this Ziploc bag hack, I grabbed all my supplies: a cutting board, old butter knife, stick lighter and zippered bag. First, I used the lighter to heat the end of the knife for 10 to 20 seconds. (If you don’t have a stick lighter, you could also heat the knife over an open flame on your gas range.) Then, I carefully used the heated knife to cut the zippered bag down the middle in one slow and steady motion, holding the bag in place with my other hand.

The end result: two bags with newly-sealed edges!

Two clear ziplock bags on a wooden surface: the left bag contains colorful gummy bears, and the right bag holds small pretzel twists.Susan Bronson For Taste Of Home

The new seal isn’t perfect; there were definitely some tiny holes along the side of each bag. For that reason, the new bags won’t work for storing liquids or other items that could leak. The tiny holes also mean that you shouldn’t use the bags for long-term food storage. Keep them for things you plan to eat relatively quickly. That being said, these bags are super simple to make and great for use as individual snack bags. In most cases, you can even reuse zip-top bags.

Is this hack safe?

There are a few warnings I’d put on this hack. First, any time you work around an open flame, there’s a danger of fire, so keep any long sleeves, hair or other flammable items out of the way. Second, do take care with the hot knife. If it’s hot enough to slice through a plastic bag, it’s hot enough to burn your skin. Because knives aren’t meant to take direct heat like this, do avoid using your best knife for this hack. Finally, this hack works because the hot knife is melting the plastic bag, and melted or burned plastic releases toxic fumes. Because of this, cut your zip-top bags in a well-ventilated area, especially if you plan to halve a bunch of them at the same time.

The final verdict? Sure, the Ziploc bag hack works in a pinch. But I think if I really needed a bunch of smaller zip-top bags, I’d rather invest in reusable silicone snack bags than cut apart a bunch of single-use ones.