Emily DiNuzzo, Author at Taste Recipes https://www.tasteofhome.com Find Recipes, Appetizers, Desserts, Holiday Recipes & Healthy Cooking Tips Sun, 17 Nov 2024 01:22:55 +0000 en-US hourly 6 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://www.tasteofhome.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/TOH_Pinterest_ProfilePhoto_RedBkg.png?resize=32,32 Emily DiNuzzo, Author at Taste Recipes https://www.tasteofhome.com 32 32 10 Things That Can Cause a Metallic Taste in Your Mouth https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/metallic-taste-in-your-mouth/ Thu, 02 Sep 2021 16:55:30 +0000 https://www.tasteofhome.com/?post_type=listicle&p=1688037 Whether it's a pine nut or certain supplements, there are many reasons you can have a metallic taste in your mouth.

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Young Man Making Disgusted Face

Why do I have a metallic taste in my mouth?

If you’ve ever rushed to rinse your mouth out because it suddenly tastes like pennies, you’re not alone. People experience a metallic taste for a variety of reasons. It’s estimated that 15 percent of U.S. adults experience some type of disordered taste or smell, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Because taste and smell are so intertwined—your preference for a certain food is usually based on both aroma and flavor—it can be difficult to determine whether a mouth that tastes like metal can be blamed on your taste buds or nose. To help you root out the reason for the metallic taste—and figure out how to get rid of it—we have rounded up the latest research on the causes and treatments of a mouth that tastes like metal.

pine nuts browning in a pan

You have pine nut syndrome

Have you ever eaten something that leaves your mouth with a bitter aftertaste for hours? What about weeks? A 2013 report in the medical journal Food Chemical Toxicology outlined 501 complaints of a long-lasting metallic aftertaste from pine nuts.

Interestingly enough, researchers did not find that the metallic taste was related to a pine nut allergy. Rather, the common thread was the consumption of a specific type of pine nut: Pinus armandii. So if you love eating pine nuts but hate their aftertaste, try a different variety. These pine nut recipes are the best way to enjoy these tiny nuts.

toothbrush in a glass cup on the edge of a bathroom sink

You have poor oral hygiene

Poor oral hygiene could be one simple reason there is a metallic taste in your mouth, according to Isabel Garcia, DDS, a faculty member and practice leader at Touro College of Dental Medicine in Hawthorne, New York, where she oversees the clinical training of dental students.

Not taking care of or cleaning your teeth could lead to gingivitis and periodontitis. According to Garcia, these beginning stages of gum disease could cause metal mouth.

Forty-seven percent of U.S. adults older than 30 have some degree of periodontal disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A metallic taste might be your first warning sign, though you will probably also have symptoms like bad breath, tender gums or sensitive teeth.

“Visiting your dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning keeps you updated on the state of your oral health while also allowing an opportunity for any suggestions on how to create and maintain better health habits that are specific to you,” Garcia says.

Sick Woman wrapped in a blanket eating soup on the couch

You have a sinus infection, allergies or cold

The congestion and mucus associated with respiratory infections may cause a foul or metallic taste in the mouth.

“In this situation, mucus from the nose and throat will be tasted on the tongue,” says Lisa Lewis, MD, a pediatrician in Fort Worth, Texas.

These sinus problems could include anything from the common cold and sinus infections to nasal polyps.

People with chronic sinusitis often experience unpleasant or metallic tastes. A study of 68 such patients in the International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology found that a metallic taste was particularly common among men, seniors and frequent smokers.

So, why does mucus in your nose trigger a metallic taste in your mouth? It’s because up to 90 percent of flavor actually comes from your sense of smell, according to research published in the medical journal Flavour. These are the foods you should eat when you have a cold.

bottle of pills on a gray background with pills spilling out

You’re taking certain medications

The most common cause of a metallic taste in the mouth is medications. Antibiotics, antihistamines, over-the-counter supplements and blood pressure medications are all known for causing this taste side effect.

Why? Dr. Lewis explains that the substances are released and excreted in the saliva when the body ingests and absorbs medication. The end result is often a metallic taste in the mouth.

“Commonly, vitamin supplements that contain iron, chromium, calcium and zinc cause a metallic taste in the mouth,” she says. “This side effect may also be with antibiotics and neurologic and cardiac medications.”

“Lithium is a classic,” says Dr. Natasha Bhuyan, MD, an evidence-based provider at One Medical and clinical assistant professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Phoenix, Arizona. “Other antidepressants, antibiotics and even medicine for gout can be culprits.”

close up pregnant belly with womans hands touching above and below

You’re pregnant

Changes in your sense of taste are common during pregnancy.

Nesochi Okeke-Igbokwe, MD, a physician and health and wellness expert in New York, says that these changes to your taste buds may be due to some of the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. This usually happens during the first trimester and typically subsides in the second. Shanta Retelny adds that both prenatal vitamins and early pregnancy can make your mouth taste like metal. The good news? “It goes away quickly,” she says. Treat the new parents in your life to these quick-prep recipes.

mercury droplets

You have mercury poisoning

One side effect of mercury poisoning is a metallic taste in your mouth, according to Dr. Okeke-Igbokwe. That said, more severe symptoms, such as neurological issues, are more concerning. Exposure to mercury could stem from working in an industrial job or from eating methylmercury-contaminated fish, she adds.

“The bottom line is that there are various modes in which one may become exposed to mercury, and this exposure may have some deleterious effects on the body,” Dr. Okeke-Igbokwe says. “It’s definitely important to recognize some of the symptoms of mercury toxicity so that you know when it is necessary to seek out medical help.” 

doctor pointing at brain mri images

You have a neurological disorder

Neurological disorders affect your nervous system, which helps relay sights, smells, tastes and sounds to your brain. These diseases can disrupt your sense of flavor, making your mouth seem metallic “due to changes in taste,” according to Shanta Retelny. Research also supports this.

In a case study of a man with a rare disease called facial onset sensory and motor neuronopathy (FOSMN), a change in taste was one of the patient’s first symptoms, according to a report in the journal BMC Neurology.

An Older Woman Having Her Ears Checked By The Ear Doctor

You recently had middle ear surgery

If you experienced premature hearing loss, your doctor might have suggested surgery to fix the issue. Unfortunately, nerve damage sometimes occurs during these procedures. Taste dysfunction—including a metallic taste in the mouth—is one well-documented side effect of nerve damage during ear surgery.

Fortunately, there might be medications to treat this issue. In one case study published in the American Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, a patient found relief after taking an antidepressant called amitriptyline. If you think you’re experiencing a metallic taste due to nerve damage, talk to your doctor about possible treatments that might work for you.

a welder working with metal fumes surrounding him

You could have metal fume fever

A metallic taste in your mouth can be a side effect of breathing in metal fumes, according to the National Organization for Rare Disorders. This can occur in welding centers or metal manufacturing facilities with poor ventilation. Fortunately, symptoms like chills, fever, and a metallic taste often dissipate within hours of escaping to a well-ventilated area. If you believe you’ve been exposed to heavy metal or any metal fumes for a prolonged period of time, seek medical attention to determine any long-term impact on health.

holding the hand of a person undergoing chemo treatment

You’ve undergone chemotherapy

In addition to nausea, a common complaint of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy is a metallic taste in the mouth.

Many cancer survivors can commiserate about the ubiquitous “metal mouth” triggered by chemotherapy and other cancer treatments. In fact, between 10 and 78 percent of cancer patients experience this phenomenon, a study published in Cancer Treatment Review.

Here’s why: Some bitter medicines injected into your bloodstream can make their way into your saliva, too, causing metal mouth. These meal train recipes will definitely help those in need.

Female Healthcare Worker Talking On Video Conference Through Mobile Phone In Doctor's Office

How to diagnose the problem

If the metallic taste in your mouth doesn’t go away after a day or two, it’s time to call your doctor. Rather than using a quick fix like mouthwash or mints, a medical professional will discuss your medical history, current medications, and supplements and possibly examine your body for obvious signs of a relevant health condition. Your treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the metallic taste.

“Since there are so many different causes of tasting metal, it’s important to see a primary care provider so they can determine the next best steps to get your tastebuds feeling metal-free,” Dr. Bhuyan says.

Next, learn the scientific reason why cilantro can taste like soap.

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18 Things Polite People Don’t Do on Thanksgiving https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/things-polite-people-dont-do-on-thanksgiving/ Wed, 25 Nov 2020 16:30:10 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?post_type=collection&p=1310871 Etiquette experts agree that Thanksgiving is most enjoyable if people are polite. Here's what polite hosts and guests shouldn’t do on Turkey Day—especially this year.

The post 18 Things Polite People Don’t Do on Thanksgiving appeared first on Taste Recipes.

Cropped shot mash being passed during a feast at a dining table

Host or attend big gatherings (this year)

During any other holiday season, hosting or attending Thanksgiving dinner is a lovely gesture—and the more, the merrier!—but not this year. The CDC released a statement about Thanksgiving 2020, saying that the safest way to celebrate the holiday is to do so at home with the people you live with and avoid gatherings with family and friends who do not live with you. Polite people don’t risk their loved ones’ health, Dr. Amler says. This may feel like a grim way to “celebrate,” but you can still make it an amazing holiday, starting with these fun and safe ways to celebrate Thanksgiving this year.

Black woman talking on cell phone

Pressure others to break social-distancing guidelines

“It’s just dinner!” “Just come for two hours!” “Grandma will be heartbroken if you don’t come!” Regardless of how good your intent is, pressuring your loved ones to disregard the CDC guidelines is impolite at best and may create a huge family rift or—worst-case scenario—cause someone to get really sick. “Canceling the big family dinner may make Grandma sad now, but it’s better than having to visit her in the ICU at Christmas,” Dr. Amler says. The polite thing to do is support your loved ones in their health decisions.

Shot of a senior man comforting his wife at during a conversation at home

Ignore how hard this choice is

On the flip side, some people are so determined to follow social-distancing guidelines to the letter that they lose sight of how difficult and upsetting this is for their loved ones. “People have really, really suffered from this—and not just from the disease itself,” Dr. Amler says. “People have suffered from financial problems, loss of opportunities, and isolation.” Instead of chastising loved ones for wanting to get together this Thanksgiving, the polite thing to do is to listen with kindness and empathy. “Lead with ‘I love you,’ then explain why you’re choosing to stay home,” he says.

Health care of Covid-19 pandemic concept, Top view Asian hand washing with faucet water in Bathroom at home

Forget the “four Ws”

If you do choose to host or attend a small gathering this year, Dr. Almer says to make it as safe as possible by following the four Ws: Wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, watch the distance between yourself and others, and walk away from groups. A polite host will provide plenty of soap, adequate seating (preferably outdoors) and masks for people who may forget one.

Pensive man embracing young woman looking out of window in kitchen

Treat this like any other year

This isn’t a “normal” Thanksgiving. This may mean using disposable dishes, limiting visitors or the length of visits, wearing masks, forgoing hugs and toasting your gratitude over Zoom instead of in person. Whatever small sacrifices you need to make this year are worth it—and they’re not for forever. “Keep your eyes on the goal. The finish line is in sight,” Dr. Almer says. “We have good news about vaccines and treatments. We have every reason to believe that next year we will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with our loved ones.”

Welcoming friends at home during pandemic using surgical mask

Arrive late

Whether you’re heading to someone else’s home this year or any other, remember this: It sometimes takes months to plan the perfect Thanksgiving in advance if you include the party planning, cleaning and cooking. So etiquette expert, author, and “Golden Rules Gal” Lisa Grotts says polite people should never arrive late. “As a general rule of thumb, punctuality shows respect for people and time,” she explains. “In the off chance a guest is running late, it’s expected that they inform the host of their late arrival.” Similarly, polite guests don’t overstay their welcome, either. Again, it’s all about respecting people and their time. If the host starts putting away food and thanking guests for coming, it’s a clear sign to leave.

Person holding out a pie

Show up to dinner empty-handed

Arriving to Thanksgiving dinner empty-handed is a big no-no. Emilie Dulles, who has more than 30 years of experience in traditional etiquette, says to check with the hosts ahead of time to find out if bringing a dish or a beverage is helpful. If you still think it’s not a big deal to arrive without a gift, remember that your host went out of their way to prepare for the holiday, says Bonnie Tsai, founder and director of Beyond Etiquette. “It’s important to bring a gift as a token of gratitude to express that you appreciate them opening up their home for you,” Tsai says. “You can choose a gift that is related to their passions or hobbies; even a bottle of wine could work, but always do a bit of research beforehand.” Use this guide to choose a hostess gift.

African-American during thanksgiving dinner

Complain about the food

Polite guests don’t complain about Thanksgiving dishes not being identical to their childhood recipes, according to Dulles. “Polite guests embrace their hosts’ take on Thanksgiving fare and have a little bit of everything as a courtesy to whoever did the cooking,” she says. That said, no one will complain if you make something from this ultimate Thanksgiving menu.

Tv on a stand in a living room

Hang out with the TV instead of friends or family

It’s so tempting to plop yourself in front of the TV after indulging in some turkey, but it’s also rude. Polite guests may enjoy watching some of the holiday TV shows, but they also offer to help with any last-minute tasks, Dulles says. Plus, Grotts adds that Thanksgiving is the perfect time to catch up with relatives and close friends. Each guest must earn their keep by making conversation. Instead of checking social media, put your phone down and focus on the food and people by your side, Tsai suggests. Liven up the conversation with some of these Thanksgiving jokes.

Dog sits in driver's seat of vehicle.Dog looks towards camerasteering wheel visibleRrflections on window glass.

Invite strangers or bring pets

It’s always important to check with your host before inviting strangers—even when we’re not in the middle of a pandemic. Never assume that it’s OK, and always confirm that your host is comfortable before inviting others, Tsai says. An extra guest also throws off a seated dinner, Grotts adds, so there’s more to it than you might realize.

You should also check with your host before bringing a pet. Another guest could have severe allergy issues, your pet might not get along well with your host’s pet, or your host may simply prefer to keep their home pet-free. The reason doesn’t really matter; the decision is theirs. You might feel bad leaving your pet alone, but think twice before bringing home consolation leftovers because these Thanksgiving foods are toxic to cats and dogs.

Buffet line

Take too much food

Putting too much food on your plate and having it go to waste is one of the most unknowingly rude things people do on Thanksgiving, according to Dulles. “Just because the buffet is extra long and replete with dozens of dishes, it doesn’t mean that the Thanksgiving food should be treated as if it can be wasted willy-nilly,” she says. Thanksgiving leftovers can be eaten for days or given away to people who are hungry. Although Thanksgiving and overeating go together like wine and cheese, some people can take this too far. “Polite guests never overindulge when it comes to food, alcohol or conversation,” Grotts says.

stack of clean plates with glasses

Avoid the cleanup

After the joy of digging into turkey, potatoes and stuffing wears off, it’s time for the dreaded cleanup. It isn’t so bad if polite guests help hosts. “Whether it is setting the table or doing dishes after a meal, it’s important to show your host that you’re not just taking advantage of their hospitality or treating their home like a restaurant where they have to pick up and clean up after you,” Tsai says. “Pitching in to help out shows that you’re respectful of their home and want to contribute as a guest.” Still, some hosts might refuse your help. Tsai says to listen, since you might be adding more trouble or stress in the kitchen rather than make it easier.

Door close-up

Show up unannounced

Hosts spend lots of time planning for their Thanksgiving parties, and if someone shows up unannounced, it can throw a wrench into their planning. It’s equally rude to cancel at the last minute, according to Tsai. “Unless there is a true emergency that you need to take care of or something happened that is completely out of your control, show up on time and participate in the festivities that were planned for you,” Tsai says. That said, the rules are a little different this year. If you’ve been exposed to COVID, you’re feeling under the weather or there’s been an infection spike in your area, it’s OK to cancel. Just do your best to let your hosts know what’s going on as early as possible.

Thank-you card

Forget to thank your host after the holiday

Polite people don’t forget to thank their host. Consider sending a handwritten thank-you note. Given the effort, time and cost of putting together a Thanksgiving meal, polite guests remember to take a few minutes to pen a note of gratitude on nice stationery to their hosts, Dulles says. There are a few other times you must—yes, must—send a thank-you note.

Two people washing dishes

Put your guests to work all day

Guests aren’t the only people who need to brush up on their Thanksgiving manners. Hosts should note a few things, too. Polite hosts never put guests to work all day long, according to Dulles. Remember that guests aren’t staff or personal assistants. For example, don’t ask your guests to babysit or run out to buy things while you cook, unless they offer, Tsai says. “It’s acceptable to ask your guests to pick something up for you on their way to your home, but don’t expect them to run out to the store for you when they’ve arrived,” she adds.

Thanksgiving toast

Bring up past grievances

Don’t make Thanksgiving awkward by bringing up old family dirt or any of these things you should never discuss at Thanksgiving dinner. Polite hosts set the tone for the celebration, so do your best to steer the conversation clear of controversy or touchy subjects. This might mean suggesting a change of subject or transitioning to another activity, Grotts says.

Name tags

Make your guests pick their seats

Polite hosts don’t leave their guests with the awkward task of picking their seats, according to Dulles. There’s one less thing to argue about if the host decides where everyone sits before people arrive.
Creamy soup

Ignore your guests’ dietary needs

Assuming all dishes work for all guests is a rookie mistake—and a rude one, at that. Ask your guests about food allergies and dietary restrictions before you plan your Thanksgiving menu. “No one expects the host to fully cater to their Keto or Atkins diet, but if you know a guest is vegetarian or is allergic to gluten, you wouldn’t serve dishes that they can’t enjoy,” Tsai says. “Be sure to make note of which dishes include meat or gluten so your guests know which dishes they can steer clear of if they have dietary restrictions.” Get inspiration from these Thanksgiving recipes for special diets.

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Here’s Why Some People Get Bit More by Mosquitos Than Others https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/scientific-reason-you-are-a-mosquito-magnet/ Mon, 17 Aug 2020 19:30:25 +0000 http://www.tasteofhome.com/?p=1518113 Constantly swarmed by mosquitoes? Here's why.

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One of the most dangerous bugs you need to watch out for in summer is mosquitoes. But no matter how hard you try, some people naturally attract mosquitoes more than others. Here’s why.

Your breath attracts mosquitoes

One of the most important facts to remember is that mosquitoes track people down by smell and body odor. Female mosquitoes rely on all sorts of sensory information cues when deciding which people to bite. The carbon dioxide people exhale, along with chemicals from the skin, create an “odor plume” that mosquitoes can detect from up to almost 100 feet away, says Bart Knols, PhD, a vector biologist who studies mosquitoes. “Each person gives off more than 300 chemicals from the skin, more than 100 in exhaled breath,” Knols says.

Interestingly, mosquitoes are attracted to humans by the carbon dioxide we exhale, but as they get close, they typically veer away and head to exposed areas of skin instead, according to study in Cell. Researchers found that the same receptors that mosquitoes have that detect the odors in breath also pick up the smells in skin. That explains why mosquitoes are attracted to smelly items like stinky socks, worn clothes and bedding—even when there’s no carbon dioxide around. Check out these home remedies for mosquito bites.

Your smell attracts mosquitoes

The specific compounds on the skin that mosquitoes respond to vary by species. The yellow fever mosquito and Asian tiger mosquito, for example, respond well to lactic acid from skin. African malaria mosquitoes respond to a blend of fatty acids, according to Knols. Your individual mix of compounds and smells determine how much of a mosquito magnet you are, depending on the mosquito species.

The blend of chemicals you produce is only partially in your control. These chemicals depend on your genetic makeup, health status, diet, skin pH and microflora, Knols says. Microflora are the microorganisms that live on the skin.

“Bacteria on the skin break down the compounds that we give off through our pores, and these are the attractive smells,” Knols says. “So it is not actually us that attract mosquitoes, but the bacteria on our skin.”

Although this is a complex and partially understood phenomenon, Knols says that everyone has a unique smell based on individual bacteria flora species and the density of bacteria.

There are many myths and folklore stories about why some people are more or less attractive to mosquitoes. Some people falsely think having “sweet blood” or your blood type are factors. Others believe taking vitamin B or eating garlic makes people less attractive to mosquitoes. But Knols notes there’s no scientific data backing these claims. Did you know that these plants naturally repel mosquitoes?

Here’s how to keep mosquitoes away

If you are a mosquito magnet, you’ll want to invest in a proper repellent—like this one—to apply to all exposed body parts. “DEET, picaridin, or lemon-eucalyptus oil (with elevated concentration of citriodiol) are good repellents,” Knols says. Citronella, another popular option, only protects for a short amount of time. Take a look at these other secret ways to keep mosquitoes away.


  • Current Biology: “Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes Detect Acidic Volatiles Found in Human Odor Using the IR8a Pathway”
  • Bart Knols, PhD, a vector biologist who studies mosquitoes
  • Current Biology: “Visual-Olfactory Integration in the Human Disease Vector Mosquito Aedes aegypti”
  • Cell: “Targeting a Dual Detector of Skin and CO2 to Modify Mosquito Host Seeking”
  • PLOS One: “Composition of Human Skin Microbiota Affects Attractiveness to Malaria Mosquitoes”

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Here’s the Real Reason Hotels Have Ice Machines https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/heres-the-real-reason-hotels-have-ice-machines/ Tue, 03 Mar 2020 22:11:56 +0000 http://www.tasteofhome.com/?p=1434942 There's one person, in particular, you should probably thank for ice machines in hotels.

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Most hotel rooms have things like fresh sheets, blackout curtains, a Bible and free ice machines. Although the last one might seem like a random amenity, ice machines have a special place in hotel history and American culture.

The free ice trend is mostly thanks to Kemmons Wilson, the founder of Holiday Inn, which was the first hotel to offer guests free access to ice machines, according to Slate. Wilson introduced these machines in his hotels after staying at competing hotels that charged high prices for ice—yes, people had to pay for every cube. As the Holiday Inn franchises spread, the free ice trend spread across the country, too. This love of ice, however, didn’t really extend across the pond.

Wilson is just one example of how much Americans love ice. At one point it was an expensive luxury good, but as ice became more plentiful and less costly, more and more people had a hankering for cold drinks, Epicurious reports. Before refrigerators and freezers, people also only had ice boxes requiring a large block of ice to keep food cool and prevent it from spoiling. Keeping up with ice demand is pricey for hotels, so when ice machines came along, hotels were some of the first customers, per Slate. The machines not only make it easy for customers to get their own ice, but they also keep costs down for hotels, too. In a few years, these hotel amenities might not exist.

You could always switch to these Airbnb rentals with gorgeous kitchens.

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If You Don’t Eat a Banana Every Day, This Might Convince You to Start https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/why-you-should-eat-bananas/ Mon, 11 Nov 2019 15:40:25 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?p=1283536 An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Not so much. Try this fruit, instead.

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You may know the silent signs of a heart attack or stroke, but preventing one is another beast altogether. Exercise and sleep are great habits that reduce your risk but don’t overlook the power of your diet. According to a study, you might want to add bananas and other potassium-rich foods to your plan—and limit these foods cardiologists never eat.

What the study says

Researchers at the University of Alabama have found that eating bananas every day could help prevent heart attacks and strokes. Their study, which aimed to determine how the mineral potassium affects blood flow and artery health, examined mice who received a diet containing either low, normal or high levels of potassium. Overall, mice given a low-potassium diet had much harder arteries than their counterparts. Mice who received high levels of potassium, on the other hand, showed significantly less artery hardening and reduced stiffness in their aorta, as well. Find out if green bananas are safe to eat.

Previous also research supports the importance of potassium

Previous studies and data also show that a potassium-rich diet helps lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease, according to Ragavendra Baliga, MD, a cardiologist at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. “One analysis published in the Journal of American College of Cardiology in 2011 included data from 11 studies and 250,000 people,” Dr. Baliga says. “This study reported that an average increase of 1540 mg of dietary potassium per day is linked to a 21 percent reduced risk of stroke.”

The University of Alabama study, however, is among the first to investigate the mineral’s impact on artery health. Getting enough potassium helps maintain a healthy heartbeat, according to Michelle Routhenstein, MS, RD, CDN, CDE, a preventative cardiology dietitian. “When potassium is deficient, low levels can cause heart arrhythmias and potentially impair blood flow to the brain, muscles and organs,” she says. According to experts, potassium also improves your heart’s function by regulating your heartbeat, digesting carbohydrates and building muscle. The combination of these perks could do wonders for your arteries, preventing heart disease and strokes down the road.

More research is necessary—and bananas aren’t the only way to eat potassium

The results of the study are promising, according to Ali Webster, RD, PhD, the associate director at the International Food Information Council. However, researchers need to replicate this in people to draw a definitive conclusion. “It certainly won’t hurt to eat potassium-rich foods every day, unless you’ve been instructed to watch your intake,” Webster says. “But we can’t say that one specific food is going to prevent cardiovascular disease.” You need to consider the whole diet as well as other risk factors, too, Routhenstein adds.

For most people, eating potassium-rich foods like bananas, sweet potatoes, beans and dark leafy greens will contribute to a healthy diet and possibly reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease, according to Webster. Many people in the United States consume less potassium than is recommended, and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans named potassium a “nutrient of public health concern.”

While bananas have a reputation for containing lots of potassium, Dr. Baliga normally recommends broccoli, spinach, carrots, cauliflower and other vegetables to his patients instead. So don’t worry if you hate the yellow fruit, there are still plenty of ways to eat a good amount of potassium.

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Everything You Need to Know About Costco’s Holiday Hours https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/everything-you-need-to-know-about-costcos-holiday-hours/ Fri, 18 Oct 2019 13:35:06 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?p=1251612 Hint: You should really plan ahead for your shopping.

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You already know the Costco holiday purchases you’ll make for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, but note the warehouse’s holiday hours before going on a spree. It takes just as much planning to cook the perfect turkey and create festive decorations as it does to buy all the necessary stuff. Once you know when you’re shopping, learn how to shop for Thanksgiving at Costco.

Costco Thanksgiving hours

You won’t be able to stock up on last-minute goods for Turkey Day on Thanksgiving Day because U.S. Costco warehouses are closed on Thanksgiving. The store also closes on Christmas and New Year’s Day, too, according to the official website. And those aren’t the only holiday closures, either. Costco closes on Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day, as well. If your bigger concern is shopping after Thanksgiving, know that Costco’s Black Friday hours are typically 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m, but could vary by location. No matter the season, this is actually the best time to go to Costco.

Costco holiday hours

Costco stores typically have regular hours from November to December 23rd. Although, some warehouses may extend their hours during the holiday season. Select special holiday hours will be on their website in the future, according to a Costco spokesperson. This varies by location, however, so enter your zip code for more information on your specific store. Historically, they usually close earlier than usual on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Now that you about Costco Thanksgiving hours, remember that you can utilize these Costco shopping tips all year long.

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You’ve Never Noticed This Hidden Secret in Your Saucepan https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/youve-never-noticed-this-hidden-secret-in-your-saucepan/ Thu, 18 Jul 2019 18:02:05 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?p=1125661 This game-changing hack helps cut down on clean up time, and amp-up eating time. Here's the hidden secret hiding in your saucepan.

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It’s safe to say that the worst part about cooking is the cleanup. The piles of dishes after making and eating a big meal is always the least-exciting piece of the process. But what if there were a way to limit even a small part of kitchen cleanup post-cooking?

Apparently, the hole at the end of your saucepan handle is good for more than just hanging up your pan. And it’s not the only kitchen utensil that has a hidden secret. It moonlights as a convenient place to put your spoon. Just place the end of the handle in the hole. If you can, position the spoon so it hovers over the pan.

Alicia Rooker, a recipe editor and tester for Taste Recipes, says that you should tap off as much sauce or food off the spoon before placing it in the panhandle. That way, you also prevent food from leaking down the spoon. And make sure to use a wooden or heat-resistant spoon, too, so yours doesn’t melt from the heat. Don’t forget to be safe and keep your panhandle toward the outside of the burners, so it’s towards the counter, Rooker adds.

Save time in the kitchen with this trick and these 25 other brilliant kitchen shortcuts you’ll wish you knew sooner. Spend the time you save chowing down on your favorite meals.

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14 Fruits and Vegetables You Shouldn’t Peel—And 9 You Should https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/14-fruits-and-vegetables-you-shouldnt-peel-and-9-you-should/ Wed, 26 Jun 2019 17:28:28 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?post_type=collection&p=1090607 Put down the peeler and embrace the fiber in many of these fruits and vegetables.

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Peeling potatoes

Here’s why you should eat the peel

The skin or peel of fruits and vegetables are generally higher in antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals than the flesh, according to Malina Malkani, MS, RDN, CDN, creator of the Wholitarian Lifestyle. Unpeeled fruits and vegetables may have up to 33 percent more fiber than those without the peel. And antioxidant levels in the skins of fruits could be up to 328 times higher than those found in the flesh, Malkani says.

Still, Alyssa Pike, RD, the manager of nutrition communications for the International Food Information Council Foundation, says the amount of nutrients in each peel differs by the type of fruit or vegetable. And the only skins Hillary Cecere, MS, RDN, a registered dietitian for Eat Clean Bro, doesn’t recommend eating are the ones that are too tough or not tasty to eat. With that in mind, if your goal is also to increase the health-promoting nutrients in your diet, experts say it’s best to eat the following fruits and vegetables without peeling them. (And make sure you peel the rest!)


Don’t worry about peeling berries, cherries, or grapes

Malkani says it’s better to eat berries, cherries and grapes without peeling them. Aside from the fact that it’s challenging to peel cherries and grapes and not really possible to peel most berries, the peels offer lots of antioxidants and nutrients. Grape skin is particularly beneficial since this part of the grape has the highest amount of antioxidants in the whole fruit (Make sure you wash the grapes properly).

A group of ripe peaches in a bowl

Avoid peeling pears, peaches and plums

Peach, pear and plum skin each have a lot of fiber, nutrients and antioxidants. One study even found that removing peach skin results in 13 to 48 percent fewer antioxidants. For fruits and vegetables you don’t peel, and those you do, always clean them thoroughly before eating.

Red apples in wooden tray on dark stone table.

Avoid peeling apples and apricots

Apples are one of the fruits Cecere especially recommends not peeling. “Apple skin has insoluble fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A and the flavonoid quercetin,” she says. Although apple skins contain so many nutrients and fiber, they are a higher pesticide fruit. So make sure you wash them well or consider buying organic apples. Don’t want to lose the comfort foods when eating healthy? Try these recipes!


Avoid peeling tomatoes

Tomato skin has a high concentration of the flavonoid naringenin, which could decrease inflammation and protect against some diseases, although more research is necessary. Other research also shows cooking tomatoes with the skin on increases the availability of some nutrients, too.


Avoid peeling kiwis and cucumbers

Kiwi skins are surprisingly edible, Malkani says. The kiwi skin has lots of vitamin C, and eating it triples the amount of fiber, Cecere says. Try slicing it really thin to warm up to eating the fuzz, she suggests. As for cucumbers, you’ll want to keep the skin for the vitamin K, fiber and potassium—but you can do without that waxy layer. “Cucumber skins can be waxy, so be sure to wash well and even use a paper towel to rub off the waxy layer,” Cecere says. Here’s how to store your fresh foods the right way.


Avoid peeling eggplants and zucchini

Keep the eggplant skin on if you want the extra fiber, flavonoids and magnesium, according to Cecere. Another reason to keep eggplant skin and zucchini skin on too is because of water. Both zucchini and eggplant have a high water concentration; zucchini is 95 percent water, and eggplant is 92 percent water. The skin of these veggies is where most of the nutrients are.

Sweet potatoes

Avoid peeling potatoes

The peel of potatoes contains fiber, iron, vitamin C, potassium and folate, Cecere says. Instead of stripping away those nutritious benefits, use a vegetable brush to scrub the potato gently before cooking.


Save the peels of citrus fruits

The peels of citrus fruits like lemons, limes and oranges are edible if you cook or grate the skin into zest, Malkani says. Oranges and other citrus fruits are not only some of the best superfoods you can eat, but their peel is also one of the food scraps you didn’t know you could eat.

Next, take a look at our guide to black limes.


Save the peels of pumpkins and winter squashes

Pumpkins, technically a fruit, and winter squashes have skins you can only eat if you cook and soften them, Malkani says. There’s a good chance you’re making these 20 other produce mistakes, too.


Always peel tropical fruits

Pineapples, papayas, mangoes, bananas, melon, and lychee are tropical fruits that you should always peel. These fruits have skins that are hard to chew and digest that are inedible, Malkani says.


Always peel avocados, garlic and onions

Like tropical fruits, avocado skin is tough to digest and not something you should eat. Avocados are a good source of fiber, potassium, folic acid and monounsaturated fats. As for garlic and onions, the peel is not especially beneficial or tasty—so it’s worth taking that layer off. This is the easiest way to peel garlic.

Orange peels

It comes down to personal preference

There are many benefits in eating the peels of most fruits and vegetables, but it’s not the only nutritious part. So Malkani, Pike and Cecere agree: If the peel of a fruit or a vegetable is particularly hard or unappetizing, it’s better to eat it without the skin—and benefit from the nutrients within—than to avoid eating fruits or vegetables altogether since this is what happens to your body when you don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables.

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Here’s Exactly Why Clorox Is So Good at Killing Germs https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/why-clorox-is-so-good-at-killing-germs/ Fri, 21 Jun 2019 18:17:25 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?p=1082784 Hint: It has to do with the smell, too.

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It’s always very obvious when someone’s just finished cleaning with Clorox. The smell is so distinct that many people automatically think of one word when they get a whiff: clean. Although spreading germs is a part of life, you can avoid the unnecessary ones that spread disease with the help of cleaning products like Clorox—but how does it work?

By the way, here’s how to whiten your laundry without bleach.

So why is Clorox good at killing germs?

If Clorox Regular Bleach is your go-to cleaner, you’re probably wondering how and why it’s so good at disinfecting. Thank the main ingredient, bleach, for these antimicrobial properties, according to Travers Anderson, a Research and Development Manager for Clorox. It’s is especially great for disinfecting because it’s an oxidant that attacks and breaks down the cell walls of microorganisms. “This mechanism is indiscriminate, meaning it will attack many different molecules that make up the cell walls of microorganisms,” Anderson says. “This allows it to work across a broad spectrum of organisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi.” Plus, this means these organisms can’t develop a resistance to Clorox Regular Bleach, according to Anderson. That’s why you might want to use it to clean some of the 18 of the most germ-ridden spots in your own home.

And what about that smell?

So you know Clorox works, but what’s the meaning behind the smell? According to Anderson, that distinct Clorox scent is purposeful. “The smell of the bleach when you open the bottle is a way to know your bleach still has active cleaning agents,” he says. “This is especially helpful if you tend to have bottles stored in your home for a long time.” When you use it, the smell lets you know that the product is working to breakdown the germs on the surface, according to Anderson. If the smell is too harsh for you, turn to one of these effective eco-friendly cleaners.

Every product is independently selected by our editors. If you buy something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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How Bad Is It to Not Wash Your Sheets Every Week? https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/how-bad-is-it-to-not-wash-your-sheets-every-week/ Wed, 19 Jun 2019 21:47:15 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?p=1077825 Laundry day is not fun for anyone, but you may not want to leave your bed sheets out of your load. Spoiler: The reason why isn't pretty.

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We tend to believe that our homes are clean, cozy places. No matter how vigilant you are with house cleaning, some places still fill with undesirable dust mites, fungal elements, pollen, dander and dead cells. Gross! What’s worse, one of those hotbeds of germs is the very place you rest for a sweet slumber. That’s right—your bed.

Your bed sheets collect gross particles

Some of the 500 million cells we shed daily, along with our perspiration, pollen, pet dander, fungi and mold, are all snuggling in bed with us at night. That’s part of the reason why you should never sit on your bed with outside clothes. Your sheets also accumulate oil, sweat, dirt and makeup, according to Joshua Zeichner, MD, the director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. “Not washing your sheets regularly puts all of this in close contact with your skin for several hours at a time while you sleep,” he says. “This can lead to a variety of problems ranging from skin irritation to acne to possibly even infections in a worst-case scenario.” Generally speaking, Dr. Zeichner recommends washing your sheets once per week, or more if there is any visible spoiling.

Some people need to wash their sheets more often

There are exceptions to the once-a-week bed sheet cleaning rule, according to Raman Madan, MD, the director of cosmetic dermatology at Northwell Health and assistant clinical professor at Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell. People who should wash their sheets more often are those who are sick, who sleep nude and who go to bed without showering after a workout or being outside for a long time, according to Dr. Madan. “You can introduce many germs and allergens to your sheets which are not going anywhere without being washed,” he says.

If that isn’t enough to inspire you to wash your bed sheets regularly, consider that more than 84 percent of beds in America have dust mites, and they love to live in our sheets and feed off of our dead skin. Although experts recommend washing sheets at least once a week, even knowing there are dust mites might not motivate some people to wash their sheets. In a survey by home textile company Coyuchi, only 44 percent of surveyors wash their sheets once or twice a month. Another survey, from Mattress Advisor, found that surveyors waited around 25 days before cleaning or changing out their sheets—18 days too long. By the way, here’s how often you should be vacuuming.

Keep these tips in mind when you wash your bed sheets

Now that you know the best way to get rid of all that yucky stuff is to wash your bed sheets a minimum of once a week, remember to use the hottest temperature suggested on the care label. The hotter the water, the more likely you are to kill most of the germs, remove dust mites and stop pollen from sticking to the fabric, which is especially important if you have allergies, according to research in the Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.

Dr. Madan suggests using a hypoallergenic detergent and Dr. Zeichner also recommends opting for fragrance-free detergent—and only using the recommended amount. “Overdosing, or using too much of your detergent, means that the detergent molecules themselves can become lodged between fibers of the fabrics,” Dr. Zeichner says. “Exposing your skin to this can lead to irritation reactions.” Next, learn about the cleaning mistakes that are actually making your home dirtier.

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The Real Reason Why Aldi Doesn’t Play Music https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/reason-why-aldi-doesnt-play-music/ Fri, 03 May 2019 21:34:46 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?p=1004266 Aldi stores are famous for low prices and a no-fuss attitude. So it's not surprising that they don't play music. Here's the real reason why.

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Aldi isn’t like other grocery store chains. Although they do sell tons of different food, the German-based stores are memorable for going against the grocery status quo in other ways. The store doesn’t provide free bags or carts for your groceries—but they do offer really great prices on everything from wine to bread, which is why you should always buy these 5 things at Aldi.

The chain first came to the United States in 1976, and there are now some 1,600 stores across 35 states. One thing you won’t find in these stores is music. The lack of tunes is part of Aldi’s strategy for keeping prices low, according to Jenna Coleman, a consumer behavior analyst in the grocery sector and founder of Particular Pantry. “As someone who shops at Aldi every week, I am very familiar with the many things Aldi does to cut costs,” she says. “Not playing music in their stores is just another line item they aren’t passing onto their customers.”

How could not playing music cut costs? John Stranger, the VP group supervisor of food-based creative agency EvansHardy+Young, says Aldi avoids paying licensing fees by not playing music. Playing music usually means paying a third-party licensed music service, explains Kristin McGrath, an editor and shopping expert at Offers.com. “There’s been research that suggests playing relaxing music in stores makes customers relax and browse more, which is why many stores play music,” she says. Relaxation isn’t the most important thing to Aldi customers—but savings are. “People are there to save as much money on essentials as possible, period,” McGrath says. The loyal fan-base is even willing to put up a 25 cent collateral to use shopping carts.

Not playing music adds to Aldi’s efficiency. The store set up gets customers in and out. That’s why there’s a cart self-return policy, consistent layouts, no-nonsense shelf displays and pre-packaged produce that you don’t need to weigh, according to McGrath. “Music that encourages relaxed wandering and browsing is not part of that master plan,” she says. If not playing music means paying less and spending less time shopping, then that’s good news for Aldi and Aldi customers. No music is one of the other reasons why Aldi groceries are so cheap.

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Why McDonald’s Big Mac Will Probably Never Be on the Dollar Menu https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/why-big-mac-will-never-be-on-the-dollar-menu/ Wed, 19 Dec 2018 21:43:07 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?p=848574 The McDonald's dollar menu is missing this classic.

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Everyone has their favorite go-to McDonald’s order. Sometimes, that includes one of the reasonably priced menu choices from the dollar menu. Although the dollar menu was technically discontinued in 2013, the brand still sells a few of their best items at reasonable prices under the $1, $2, $3 Dollar Menu. Some options include favorites like the McChicken, Sausage McGriddles and a triple cheeseburger. The mainstay sandwich item that’ll likely never make it on the list, however, is the Big Mac.

The sandwich was first introduced in 1967 retailing for only 45 cents. Throughout the ’70s, the three-bun-two-patty sandwich was available for a dollar. According to Complex, inflation is likely to blame for the Big Mac price change. That’s not the only reason why the burger hasn’t been available for a dollar or less since then. Mental Floss also reports that the Big Mac’s lack of popularity with millennials could be to blame: only one in five millennials have tried a Big Mac. Here are some facts about the Big Mac you probably didn’t know.

That said, there are ways to get the Big Mac for less than the sticker price. In July of 2018, McDonald’s actually offered a $1 sandwich per week deal—including the Big Mac—until September 30th with the brand’s app. In December of 2022, the fast-food chain launched a BOGO Big Mac promotion—a buy one Big Mac, get one free deal. There’s no telling whether the brand will rerun a similar promotion, but some creative menu hackers have found an almost fool-proof way to order the Big Mac. To order the burger for two dollars less, ask for a McDouble with Big Mac Sauce instead of ketchup and lettuce, Thrillist reports. You might not even miss the third bun. Next, check out the 17 things McDonald’s employees won’t tell you.

The post Why McDonald’s Big Mac Will Probably Never Be on the Dollar Menu appeared first on Taste Recipes.

Why Five Guys Will Never Ask You How You Want Your Burger Cooked https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/why-five-guys-will-never-ask-you-how-you-want-your-burger-cooked/ Thu, 13 Dec 2018 16:50:59 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?p=845135 There are 250,000 ways to order a burger at Five Guys, but every single one has this one thing in common.

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The Five Guys menu features five main items: milkshakes, fries, hot dogs, sandwiches and burgers. Although you can customize most of your order with more than 250,000 possible burger combinations, the one non-customizable thing is burger “doneness.”

Unlike the local diner or restaurant-bar, the cooks at Five Guys make all their burgers the same way—well done. All 1,500 Five Guys locations only serve burgers to this level of doneness, according to a Five Guys representative. The fast-casual restaurant hasn’t revealed the reasoning behind the policy, but there are a few theories as to why you can’t order a medium-rare, rare or medium patty.

The most obvious explanation is the chain’s commitment to food safety. The health risks of eating raw meat include consuming bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says beef should be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure the meat is safe to eat. In 2016, sensors that track temperature were installed in all of the Five Guys North American restaurants to ensure that all ingredients are at a safe temperature, per RFiD Journal. Much like you won’t find an under-cooked burger at Five Guys, you also won’t see a freezer, as the brand only uses coolers because their ingredients must be fresh, according to the official website.

Another theory is simply that cooking all the burgers the same way saves time and keeps everything uniform across all locations. Although their burger doneness isn’t unique, the numerous delicious toppings such as relish, peppers, onions, barbecue sauce and more ensure that you can have it just the way you like it. Next, check out these 9 restaurants you never knew have secret menu items.

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12 Things You Should Always Buy at Target https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/things-you-should-always-buy-at-target/ Tue, 20 Nov 2018 19:17:59 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?post_type=collection&p=828074 Get the most bang for your buck with these food and home items.

The post 12 Things You Should Always Buy at Target appeared first on Taste Recipes.

Bulk nuts

Nuts, seeds and trail mix

Although nuts are high in calories and fat, they’re nutritional powerhouses. In fact, research shows that eating nuts and seeds daily could lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and it may even lengthen your life, according to Harvard Medical School. That said, nuts and seeds could cost a pretty penny, which is why the Target-exclusive brand Archer Farms’ 15-plus trail mix and nut packet variations are so appealing. And at $8 for a 27-oz. mixed package, you can’t go wrong.

Buy now.

Did you know there’s a scientific reason you can’t just buy one thing at Target?

Spices on shelf


Although a little spice could go a long way in some recipes, spices themselves are expensive pantry staples. Target, however, has lots of spices at great prices under their Market Pantry label. Staple seasonings like ground cinnamon, onion powder, and garlic powder are available for a little over $1—and the reviews are glowing.

Buy now.

Pouring mineral water in the glass

Sparkling water

Target sells LaCroix, a sparkling water brand with a cult-like following, including harder-to-find flavors like Passionfruit and Key Lime, according to reviews. And if you’re looking for a more cost-friendly alternative, the Simply Balanced Target brand for flavored sparkling water for less than $3 for an eight-pack.

Buy now.

Next up: We tested a bunch of sparkling waters. Here are the brands we like best.

Frozen berries and vegetables in bags in freezer close up;

Frozen fruits and veggies

Stocking up on frozen fruits and vegetables is a convenient way to eat more nutrient-dense foods, without food waste. Target’s frozen fruits and veggies eliminate that possibility of tossing rotten or forgotten produce. According to a Consumer Reports test, the mixed frozen vegetables from Target’s Market Pantry brand were just as crisp and fresh-tasting as Birds Eye.

Buy now.

Heinz tomato ketchup at the hypermarket in Putrajaya, Malaysia.


Other great grocery-section finds at Target are condiments. Expert taste testers at Consumer Reports found that the Market Pantry Ketchup is just as full-flavored Heinz. And the Market Pantry Mayonnaise, which rivaled Hellmann’s in taste and texture, costs 25 percent less. Here are the insider secrets to help you save at all your favorite stores.

Buy now.

roll of toilet paper

Paper towels, toilet paper, and tissues

For your average everyday spills, Target’s Up & Up Full Sheet Puddle Busters fit the bill. The towels are high scorers in absorbency and wet strength on Consumer Reports’ paper towel rating and review list. Plus, the Up & Up brand also sells tissues and toilet paper—both of which have rave reviews too. That might be because of their $8 and $13 and price tags for packs of 8 and 36, respectively. Target gives lots of coupons for Up & Up with receipts as well.


Generic drugs

Consumer Reports survey found that Target’s drug prices beat out chain giants like CVS, Rite Aid, and Walgreens. The generic version of Advil at Target, by the Up & Up brand, cost about $1.99 for 100 capsules—compared to $6.99 for Rite Aid’s store brand, per Consumer Reports. Similarly, prices at Target for Aleve and Alegra 24-hour are less than those at Walgreens and Rite-Aid. Even prescriptions are cheaper at Target. Consumer Reports found that generic prescription drugs, such as certain diabetes drugs and antidepressants, could cost as little as $4 for a 30-day supply.

Buy now.

Red wine


Sipping vino from a box doesn’t seem so odd when you pay less than $5 a bottle. Target’s boxed wine, Wine Cube, comes in a three-liter box that is equal to four regular bottles. Although, you can’t find this product for sale in every Target due to restrictions in individual states. These are the Kirkland items you should always buy at Costco.



Target is a major player in the toy store arena—especially when it comes to the holiday season. CBS News reports that the store’s $10 off coupons, combined with the Target Cartwheel coupon app, could offer as much as 40 to 50 percent off toys. “Target is really good at predicting the hot toys for Christmas and pricing them lower than the competition,” Kyle James of Rather-Be-Shopping told gobankingrates.com. “They know once they get shoppers in the toy aisle, they’re probably going to buy other stuff at full price. So, if your child asks for a popular, and thus hard-to-find toy this Christmas, be sure to check Target first.”

Buy now.

Pile of linen kitchen towels on a white background


Bath and hand towels are consistently popular Target items. Not only does the store have a great selection, but they also always have strong sales, gobankingrates.com reports. Target’s Fieldcrest and Threshold brands are especially known for being both soft and durable, according to reviews.

Buy now.

In the shop of home appliances on display are the modern drip coffee makers.

Coffee makers

Target is the home to a few exclusive Black & Decker coffee makers, among other brands. Here’s our Test Kitchen’s favorite coffee maker.

Buy now.

And if looking at coffee makers makes you crave coffee, look no further than to Target and Starbucks collaboration for a quick caffeine fix!

Head Lamp on night stand in bedroom with vase of flower

Home decor

Lamps, dishes, and accessory home decor items at Target are the main items interior designers recommend buying, according to TODAY. Target’s trendy designer collaborations let you add stylish decor without breaking the bank. “Side tables, baskets, clocks, vases—they do such a good job putting out great design for relatively little,” Erin Gates, a Boston-based interior designer, stylist, and creator of the blog Elements of Style told TODAY. Again, the Threshold Target brand reigns supreme in this home-centric category. Next, check out the savvy shopping tricks you’ll wish you knew all along.

Buy now.

Note: Every product is independently selected by our editors. If you buy something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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The 8 Kirkland Items You Probably Shouldn’t Be Buying at Costco https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/kirkland-items-you-probably-shouldnt-be-buying-at-costco/ Tue, 23 Oct 2018 16:11:19 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?post_type=collection&p=805443 You’ll probably find better deals on these products elsewhere.

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Laundry Detergents

Kirkland detergent

Unless you are doing boatloads of laundry, you should avoid buying detergent in bulk since they only maintain their cleaning power for six months to a year, per Good Housekeeping. Plus, other stores tend to have more coupons and deals for detergent than Costco. One blogger found a detergent on sale that equals $0.03 per load compared to Kirkland’s $0.115 per load. The Kirkland Signature Gel dishwashing detergent isn’t much of a hit either with a poor overall score from Consumer Reports.

Tissue box

Kirkland facial tissues

Tissues from Kirkland don’t have the best reputation. A test from Consumer Reports found that these tissues are just so-so compared to other big name brands like Puffs Basic, even though they cost the same. Puffs ranked higher in both strength and softness.

These are the Kirkland items you should always buy at Costco.

Toilet paper

Kirkland toilet paper

Similarly to facial tissues, skip this other important Kirkland paper product. Consumer Reports found that although the Kirkland toilet paper is soft, it only offers so-so strength. The consumer ratings on Consumer Reports aren’t any better, and the majority are in the one-star section.

Don’t miss these Costco tips frequent shoppers keep to themselves.


Kirkland diapers

The quality of Kirkland diapers isn’t an issue, but buying one size in bulk isn’t a great idea. Cheapism reports that the smallest quantity of diapers available at Costco is 192, so a child might outgrow them before finishing the whole box. Smaller packages are available at Target or Walmart, and stores like Amazon even have convenient subscription services.

Cup of coffee

Kirkland coffee

Pre-ground coffee starts going stale in as little as 30 minutes, according to some coffee experts. Others say roasted coffee is only at peak freshness for two to three weeks. So it’s best for your palette to buy a smaller, fresher portion that lasts a week or two.

Here are foods nutritionists always buy at Costco.

Basmati rice on a pile isolated on white background

Kirkland rice

There are better deals for rice at ethnic supermarkets, one blogger told MONEY. She found a 25-pound bag of rice for $14 at her neighborhood store; that’s 35 percent less than the Costco price of $40. In addition to the price difference, rice and other whole grains contain oil that attaches to the grain and could cause them to go rancid sooner, Eat This Not That reports.

Glass of milk

Kirkland milk

The prices and quality of Kirkland milk aren’t anything special. The reason you might want to avoid buying this at Costco, however, is because of the square-shaped jugs. According to Reddit discussion boards and food bloggers, the unique packaging that causes frequent spills might be reason enough to buy your milk elsewhere.

These are the other things you should never buy at Costco.


Any Kirkland item you haven’t tried before

Buying in bulk is a commitment. That’s why it is better to be safe than sorry and buy small amounts to test instead of allocating money and space to large quantities of items you may not like.

Next, find out the things you aren’t buying at Costco—but should.

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8 Things You Never Knew About the Wendy’s Frosty https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/things-never-knew-about-wendys-frosty/ Thu, 11 Oct 2018 18:40:12 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?post_type=collection&p=802381 The frozen treat was intentionally made to be eaten with a spoon.

The post 8 Things You Never Knew About the Wendy’s Frosty appeared first on Taste Recipes.

Chocolate Frosty

The Frosty is one of five original Wendy’s menu items

The co-founder of Wendy’s, Dave Thomas, opened the first location in 1969 with a five-item menu, which included hamburgers, chili, french fries, soft drinks and the Frosty. Thomas had previously managed a few Kentucky Fried Chicken franchises, where he cut down the size of the menu, increasing sales—and he followed the same idea with Wendy’s, Mental Floss reports. All of these items are still available on the menu today—and in the mid-2000s, Wendy’s restaurants annually served about 300 million Frostys, according to a Wendy’s press release.

Get a look at the first locations of your favorite fast food restaurants.

Wendy's exterior

Frostys need a temperature between 19 and 21 degrees Fahrenheit

Keeping the signature consistency of the Wendy’s Frosty—a cross between a milkshake and soft-serve ice cream—is essential. In fact, Thomas wanted to recreate the milkshakes he’d had growing up that were so thick that spoons were necessary, per Wendy’s. According to a press release from Wendy’s, the Frosty is kept between 19 and 21 degrees Fahrenheit to achieve this consistency.

Don’t miss this copycat Wendy’s Frosty recipe.

new Wendy's design store in Hiliard, 4245 Cemetery Rd.

The Frosty ingredients aren’t a secret—but the exact formula is

The Frosty mix consists of milk, cream, sugar, and cocoa, among other ingredients too. Even though Wendy’s lists these ingredients on their website, it is hard to find a good copycat recipe—although that doesn’t stop food bloggers and Frosty fans alike from trying. The Daily Meal reports that the current Frosty formula is the same as back in 1969 except for a decrease in butterfat, according to Denny Lynch, former senior vice president of communications at Wendy’s.

This is how famous fast food restaurants got their names.

Chocolate Frosty close-up

The chocolate Frosty isn’t 100 percent chocolate

Yes, Thomas intentionally made the original chocolate Frosty taste less chocolatey because he didn’t want to overwhelm customers with too much chocolate flavor if they paired a Frosty with a burger, per Wendy’s. Instead, the chocolate flavor is actually a combination of chocolate and vanilla. Thomas originally had one Frosty machine, so he combined the chocolate and vanilla mix himself.

Chocolate and vanilla Frosties

There have been a few different Frosty variations

In August 2006, Wendy’s introduced the vanilla Frosty, now a staple on the menu. Other Frosty varieties, however, didn’t make the cut. Wendy’s introduced the Strawberry Frosty Shake, the Twisted Frosty, the Frosty Parfait, the Frosty Float and the Frosty Waffle Cone in the mid-to-late 2000s, per Wendy’s. They even introduced a Peppermint Frosty for the winter season.

Check out these unsuccessful McDonald’s menu items that are also no longer around.

Wendy's exterior

Wendy’s hosts a Frosty 5k

The annual Wendy’s Frosty 5K Run/Walk is in Columbus, Ohio, and raises funds for the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. The charity, founded by Thomas, who was also adopted, finds permanent homes for children waiting in North America’s foster care systems, the official website says. Participants pay a fee for race registration and receive a cold Frosty post-race. In 2018, the race raised more than $110,000.

Several Wendy's frosties

The Frosty has fewer calories than other leading shake-like treats

A large chocolate Frosty has fewer calories than other frozen treats at fast food restaurants. One large order is about 590 calories, in comparison to Sonic and Dairy Queen’s large chocolate shakes with 1330 and 920 calories respectively, according to their official websites. Meanwhile, a small vanilla Frosty is the lowest-calorie Frosty order at Wendy’s, with only 280 calories.

Here are the healthiest orders at the most popular fast food restaurants.

new Wendy's design store in Hiliard, 4245 Cemetery Rd.

Wendy’s tries to limit Frosty waste

According to one former employee, any excess Frosty mixture at the end of the day is emptied and stored in a freezer overnight before it goes back into the machine the following day. This is part of an effort to reduce food waste as much as possible. Some stores even utilize uneaten, still-fresh burgers in their chili recipe, according to Business Insider.

Next, check out the secret menu items you need to order at your favorite restaurants.

The post 8 Things You Never Knew About the Wendy’s Frosty appeared first on Taste Recipes.

The 6 Key Differences Between Costco, Sam’s Club and BJ’s https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/key-differences-between-costco-sams-club-bjs/ Tue, 25 Sep 2018 18:17:57 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?post_type=collection&p=791284 Buying in bulk isn’t the same in every store you shop.

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Costco has, by far, the most locations compared to Sam’s Club and BJ’s. There are approximately 741 Costco locations, 597 Sam’s Club locations and 210 BJ’s locations. Costco shops are worldwide with locations in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Japan, among others, statista.com reports. Meanwhile, Sam’s Club locations can be found coast-to-coast in the United States, according to allstays.com. BJ’s has the smallest operation with locations only on the East Coast and in Ohio.

Sam's club gift card

Membership costs

Although Costco has the most locations of these warehouse stores, the store also has the highest yearly membership cost. The most basic annual membership cost is $60, in comparison to $45 for Sam’s Cub and $55 for BJ’s, per their official websites. If you’re shopping without a membership, you’ll pay a 10 percent service fee at most Sam’s Club locations and a 20 percent fee at most BJ’s locations, Business Insider reports. Costco non-members only receive a 5 percent service feeOne review of Costco and Sam’s Club notes, however, that although Costco has a higher membership price, it offers a wider selection of services and a prescription program. Sam’s Club requires a membership upgrade for the latter.

Here are items you can buy at Costco without a membership.



All three stores have very similar rewards programs if you upgrade to a pricer membership. Costco’s Executive Membership offers a 2 percent reward on travel services in addition to a 2 percent reward on up to $1,000 a year, per Cheapism. In comparison, Sam’s Club Plus rewards $10 for ever $500 spent and up to $500 a year. And BJ’s offers 2 percent cash back too if you sign up for their Perks Rewards card.

Here are ways to shop at Sam’s Club without a membership.

Customer shopping for supplements and multivitamin at Costco Wholesale big-boxes store.


There are countless price comparison reports for Costco, Sam’s Club, and BJ’s. According to one comparison, BJ’s just barely topped Costco for the best pricing, followed by Sam’s Club. In another comparison, Costco products were cheaper than that at Sam’s Club—but the cost of membership was also taken into account making Costco’s cost more for the first visit. However, this isn’t always true. Just look at the price of Costco hotdogs versus Sam’s Club hot dogs—Costco’s are 12 cents higher than Sam’s Club’s. Another review found that BJ’s has the best prices followed by Sam’s Club, and then Costco. Note, cost is relative to the types of products you purchase—like organic or non-organic produce, for example—as well as the level membership you purchase, and your location.

Return policies

Neither Costco nor Sam’s Club have a hard deadline for non-electronic returns, per Cheapism. Although, Sam’s Club recommends having the receipt and original packaging. As for BJ’s, items purchased over a year ago aren’t returnable; neither is used merchandise without the original packaging and accessories. BJ’s also has a list of items that are not returnable.

Here are the most expensive items you can buy at Costco.

sam's club carts

Shopping experiences

According to the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), Costco ranks higher in customer satisfaction than Sam’s Club and BJ’s. The report ranks America’s best department and discount stores based on more than 50,000 customer surveys, according to the Statesman. Another survey by Tamkin ranked various companies based on customer service. In that survey, Costco barely out-did Sam’s Club and BJ’s with 79 percent of respondents giving the store a “good” or an “excellent” rating, Money Talks News reports.

Next, check out these Costco tips frequent shoppers swear by.

The post The 6 Key Differences Between Costco, Sam’s Club and BJ’s appeared first on Taste Recipes.
