Jamie Novak , Author at Taste Recipes https://www.tasteofhome.com Find Recipes, Appetizers, Desserts, Holiday Recipes & Healthy Cooking Tips Wed, 28 Aug 2024 20:33:42 +0000 en-US hourly 6 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://www.tasteofhome.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/TOH_Pinterest_ProfilePhoto_RedBkg.png?resize=32,32 Jamie Novak , Author at Taste Recipes https://www.tasteofhome.com 32 32 8 Common Items to Avoid If You Want to Have a Clutter-Free Home https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/common-items-shouldnt-buy-clutter-free-home/ Mon, 25 Nov 2019 18:26:55 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?post_type=collection&p=1313401 How many of these "future clutter" items are you guilty of buying?

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Fancy metal platters

Novelty items

These days it seems like you can buy everything from serving platters to doormats in seasonal styles. Yes, you need a few serving platters; but do you really a set shaped like summer flip-flops? Buying the novelty versions of everyday essentials like shower curtains, soap dispensers, throw blankets, serving spoons and drinking glasses limits their ability to be used year-round. They take up valuable storage space year-round only to be used a day or two out of the year. Here are 35 organization tips from the pros.

Clothes on the rack

Super Trendy clothes

Stop scooping up the must-have style of the season. After the fashion fad fades you’ll be left with even more clothes closet clutter. Instead of buying into every trend choose one of two inexpensive, fashionable pieces that you feel comfortable wearing, then declutter by donating them at the end of the season. Check out these 10 genius organization ideas from Marie Kondo.

Big sale shopping bags

Clearance and dollar bin items

The thrill of the hunt is sifting through bins of low-cost items in search of a treasure; the reality is you’ll need to store it once you get it home. But cluttering up your home is not a bargain so steer clear of the temptation. These are 10 of the most inspiring home organization makeovers.

Dresser with striped boxes for organizing

Organizing solutions

Just buying the organizing solution does not make you more organized, you have to use it to help you declutter. All those bins, baskets and boxes you’re spending money on are taking up much-needed storage space. Stop stockpiling drawer organizers, label makers, containers and other solutions. Instead, focus on paring down the clutter so there are fewer things to store; which means you will need far fewer organizing solutions.

Top view flat lay with feminine hands holding empty greeting card on bright pink background.

Craft supplies

Buying an item to use later, even if you have a coupon or the item is on sale, it is no bargain since you’ll have to store it until you are ready to craft. But by that time there is a good chance you’ll forget you bought it, misplaced it, want a different version or have decided not to craft at all. Here’s a decluttering tip, if you are feeling crafty look thought your current craft collection for inspiration instead of buying more craft supplies destined to become clutter.

Seasonal décor

Seasonal décor

While it is might be fun to splurge on a new seasonal item, what’s not fun is trying to find a place to keep it for the next year. All those festive décor items become dust-collecting clutter. Instead, make good use of some vintage Christmas decorations.

Girl's hands holding the package on the table

“As Seen On TV” products

These tempting impulse purchases arrive at your door in about two weeks, long after the motivation to use them has passed. That means they end up as clutter sitting in the garage or shoved in the back of a closet. Since it is too expensive to pay the return shipping they become one of the more difficult items to declutter because you paid good money for them and feel guilty just tossing them. These are the Container Store products that pro organizers actually use.

Box of freebies


And finally, you can add hand-me-downs from well-intentioned friends and neighbors and all the free things to the list of almost instant clutter. Sure, you don’t have to pay for them… yet. But you will have to buy storage containers to corral all that “free” clutter.

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24 Things in Your House That a Professional Organizer Would Throw Out https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/professional-organizer-would-throw-out/ Wed, 19 Jun 2019 21:24:45 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?post_type=collection&p=1073382 Get your trash bag ready! An expert organizer shares her list of the top items she'd throw out without a second thought.

The post 24 Things in Your House That a Professional Organizer Would Throw Out appeared first on Taste Recipes.

Fridge magnets in a rainbow of colors

Refrigerator magnets

You won’t find magnets stuck to the refrigerator in a professional organizer’s home. Throw away the ones with weak magnets that keep falling off onto the floor. Then discard the outdated business card ones, the save-the-date ones and the ones with last year’s calendar.

Different corksrew and cork wine opener

Flimsy kitchen utensils

The wine opener that never works well enough is just one of the tosses you can make from your utensil drawer. Professional organizers would also ditch the slotted spoons and pancake turners that bend under the weight of food. And add the garlic press that is too delicate to mince a clove of garlic to the toss pile. Now you’ll have room for one of these 19 Test Kitchen-approved kitchen gadgets you’ll wish you had years ago.

cleaning tool on dirty floor in bathroom

Broken cleaning tools

Professional organizers dislike cleaning tools that don’t get the job done. If the item is meant to help make your cleaning chore easier, but it makes it more difficult, then throw it out. This includes the cracked dustpan, the broken laundry basket, the broom with the handle that keeps falling off and the leaky bucket. These are the 10 cleaning mistakes that are actually making your home dirtier.

Plastic containers for food on wooden background

Storage solutions

Professional organizers love storage solutions but not every container works well. If the bin, basket, or box didn’t solve your problem, then throw it out; otherwise, it just adds to your clutter. Consider passing along storage containers to a teacher who might need them. By the way, these are the organization products that professionals use.

Mason jars

Secret stash

Even professional organizers keep odd things like those plastic clips from bags of bread or rinsed out glass jars. The key is to know when you are saving too many, and they are becoming clutter. For example, if you’ve kept every rubber band from every fresh produce purchase, then it is time to throw some away.

White mug

Swag and freebies

Try to resist bringing home one of every free item offered at street fairs, lectures and conferences. Professional organizers throw away extra wall calendars, promotional coffee mugs, water bottles plastered with logos, jar openers, pill organizers and excessive quantities of free chip clips. Speaking of chips, do you know the reason why chip bags are half empty?

Pens and pencils in metal holder in front of wall background

Writing implements

If it doesn’t write, then why keep it? Professional organizers always throw out pens that don’t work. They also pitch empty mechanical pencils, eraser-less #2 pencils and dried out markers and highlighters without caps. Speaking of pens and pencils, here’s how to write a recipe like a pro.


Reference material

You’ll rarely find a space-hogging phone book in a professional organizer’s home. They also let go of encyclopedia sets and textbooks; consider donating those through Better World Books. And unless you need the thesaurus and dictionary for playing Scrabble, pass those on, too. Once your shelves are free, fill them back up with these regional cookbooks.

Close up Vintage Compass Instrument on Top of a Wooden Table with Folded Maps

Trip memorabilia

Outdated maps will only get you lost, so professional organizers advise recycling them. Out-of-date travel guides and old brochures are filled with obsolete information, so don’t bother keeping those either, for a potential future trip. Before you toss just anything in the recycle bin, make sure it isn’t one of these 15 things that shouldn’t be recycled.

Hand holding capsules pills white on wooden background.

Expired things

While frozen, fresh and canned foods come to mind, these are not the only things in your home that expire. Once they reach their best by date, it’s recommended to throw out medications, vitamins and supplements. You can search for a local drug take-back day at DEA.gov.

Artistic squirrel brushes, tubes of oil paints and watercolors on a wooden background.

Hobby supplies

Once you’re finished with a hobby, professional organizers advise donating the equipment to someone who will use it. Whether you have woodworking tools, scuba fins, camping gear or a set of watercolors, if you are no longer using it then toss it out of your house.

VHS Tapes

Outdated technology

The VCR and boom box have been replaced with more up-to-date technology, so donate the old stuff. Recycle floppy disks and ancient laptops, obsolete phones, VHS tapes and more through Goodwill’s Ecycle program. Or check out Earth911 for a convenient hazardous waste drop-off location.

Power strip extension cord on carpentry woodwork woodwork desk

The “to-be-fixed” pile

All those broken items you have waiting to be fixed; professional organizers either fix it or ditch it and so should you. If you’ve already replaced it, you don’t miss it, or it is too costly to make the repair, there is no sense keeping said item around.

Buttons and threads

Parts for discarded items

Toss the accessories and instruction booklets that go with things you no longer own, like the tiny bag with a spare button for the blouse you donated and the owner’s manual for the television you had ten years ago.

Doctor bandaging patients leg in hospital

Unmatched things

If they’re meant to be mated up and you’ve hopelessly lost or ruined one, then why keep the other? Consider donating single shoes or winter gloves missing their mate to amputees through OddShoe. And dump that sad, single sock missing its partner.

Clothing donation box on wooden background

Bags for donation

That bag of donations that’s been riding in the trunk of your car for a month, it’s time for it to go. Professional organizers have a standing pick-up scheduled or they routinely drop things off at a donation location to prevent them from piling up at home.

Multiple Sports Trophies

Awards and trophies

Just because it has your name engraved on it does not mean you have to keep it forever. Professional organizers preserve the memory by taking a photo of the accolade, then they donate the trophies, plaques or awards of excellence through places like AwardsMall or Medals4Mettle.

antique cedar chest with vintage linens, photographs and knicknacks

Dust collectors

Dust collectors are without a doubt on any professional organizer’s throw it out list. These include photo frames without photographs inside, collections you don’t care about and knickknacks that lack a very special meaning.

Weights and mat at a gym

Improve-me items

The treadmill you used for a week that’s now a makeshift clothes rack or the green smoothie maker you tried once and haven’t touched since—give away those items you purchased with the hopes of making a change, but the change didn’t stick. Instead, get healthy with the help of some of these good-for-you recipes.

Wrapped gifts

Gift wrap collection

Torn or bent to/from tags are promptly recycled by professional organizers and the crushed bows must go! Other items that make the throw it away list are scraps of gift wrap, tangled rolls of ribbon, and faded gift bags. Instead of wrapping paper, use one of these super cute packaging ideas next holiday.

Cloth hangers in a pile

Clothes hangers

You’ll rarely find empty hangers taking up space in a professional organizer’s closet. Clear the clutter by returning the wire ones to the dry cleaners. Then let go of the other unused hangers like the ones with weak clips and the small hangers that don’t slide on the closet bar.

Home decor - various neutral colored vases on rough distressed wooden shelf against grey wall.


Professional organizers will ask you how many bouquets of fresh flowers do you have out at one time? The answer helps you realize that you don’t need more than two or three vases. Bring the extras to a local florist or fill them with flowers from your garden and gift them to someone. Check out these pro flower arranging tips for your next bouquet.

Pile of paperwork against a textured green cubicle wall

Random papers

Expired coupons typically can’t be redeemed in the United States but are collected by Troopons to be used overseas by the military. Recycle take-out menus and business cards for people you don’t remember. Let go of the receipts you don’t need, old shopping lists and now-obscure notes you made to yourself.

Newspapers and magazines on old wood background.

Junk mail

They call it junk for a reason. Professional organizers immediately recycle unwanted catalogs, fliers and advertisements. While you’re at it, toss the huge stash of greeting cards and return address labels sent to you from charitable organizations. Check this out if you want to stop the junk mail from coming in the first place.

The post 24 Things in Your House That a Professional Organizer Would Throw Out appeared first on Taste Recipes.

21 Container Store Products Professional Organizers Use in Their Homes https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/container-store-products-professional-organizers-use/ Tue, 18 Dec 2018 19:04:48 +0000 http://origin-www.tasteofhome.com/?post_type=collection&p=848157 Organizing expert Jamie Novak is here to reveal the products that are so good experts rely on them and you’re going to want them too.

The post 21 Container Store Products Professional Organizers Use in Their Homes appeared first on Taste Recipes.

Clutter corralling trays

Clutter corralling trays

Everyone needs a place to drop stuff—even professional organizers. Place everyday things, like car keys, on a tray to keep them from getting misplaced. Opt for trays with sides like this Swiss-designed Taper Tray so items won’t roll off and get lost.

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Ongoing donation bin

Ongoing donation bin

Organizers always have a donation bin set up and ready to fill with items to give away. A container like this tall and narrow pop-up Umbra Blue Round Artisan Crunch Can tucks easily into a convenient spot like a hall closet. When the bin is full, you know it is time to schedule a pick-up or plan a drop-off.

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Trash can

Oversized trash can

Professional organizers don’t let rubbish build up; they’re always tossing out the trash. Therefore, an oversized trash can like this Umbra Pewter Venti is a must. The swing top lid lets you drop waste in without ever touching the can. And a secure bag fastener means no more bags slipping to the bottom and making a mess. Speaking of must-haves, check out these touchless trash cans, too.

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Basic timer

A basic timer

Instead of leaving tasks open-ended, professional organizers set time limits to help motivate themselves to begin and finish projects. A portable timer, with a large display, like this Polder Mini Digital Timer, is just the thing to help you get through a long to-do list. Set the timer for a short window, like 10 minutes, then see how far you can get before the buzzer sounds.

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Weekly task pad

To-do lists

Everyone, including professional organizers, gets a deep sense of satisfaction from crossing completed tasks off their to-do list. Grouping tasks on this Poppin Weekly Task Pad lets you see your week at a glance, so you know what needs to get done. Check out how to maximize your next grocery shopping list.

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U-Brands Contempo White Frame Dry Erase Board

A place for thoughts

Try to avoid scribbling on random scraps of paper. For quick notes, do what professional organizers do: Use a dry erase board like this U-Brands Contempo White Frame Dry Erase Board. Hung in a convenient location, this board is the best place to list the menu for the week, write a phone number, or jot down a reminder.

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Shower caddy

Neaten up the shower

Bottles and bars of soap resting in shower corners are a no-no for professional organizers. We prefer things up and out-of-the-way in easy to reach shower storage, so this Rockford Shower Caddy fits the bill. The two shelf caddy hangs from the shower head with enough space to store shower essentials.

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Cleaning caddies

Cleaning caddies

Caddies are a Professional Organizer’s best friend! Toting everything you need to get the job done means fewer wasted steps backtracking to grab something you forgot. These Cleaning Starter Kits include all the essentials like sanitizing sprays, a broom and dustpan set, and more to get you started. Take a look at these cleaning tips from the pros that will make your house shine.

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A tidy trunk

A tidy trunk

Things don’t roll around loose in the trunk of the car when a professional organizer is at the wheel. Everything, from umbrellas to bags of groceries, has a home in these Collapsible Crates with Handles. To make space for larger cargo, you can easily fold the crates down. And they have comfortable handles, so you can to carry them.

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Iris Expandable Under-Sink Organizer

Under sink storage

Always make the most of that awkward space under the kitchen or bathroom sink by inserting an adjustable organizer like this Iris Expandable Under-Sink Organizer. Professionals use one with shelves and pull-out bins, so stuff isn’t shoved into a cavernous hole. Plus, it’s adjustable to fit around plumbing; the best part is the no-tools assembly.

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Lynk Double Hang Closet Rod

Double the hanging space

Don’t settle for the basic closet configuration of a single rod: The quickest and easiest way to double space in your closet is to simply hook a Lynk Double Hang Closet Rod over the existing closet rod, and in seconds, you have more hanging room.

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Versatile cubes

Versatile cubes

Storage is key in every room of the house. Professional organizers prefer flexible storage that can change as your needs change. These White 4-Cube Cubby Shelving work in almost every room of your home and can store everything imaginable. Use the cubes in the entryway for shoes, the hall closet for seasonal items, the clothes closet for stacked sweaters, the pantry for bulk goods, the garage for car-care items and so much more.

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Outdoor activity storage

Outdoor activity storage

Your outdoor and sporting equipment comes with some of the most awkward and oddly shaped items—bike helmets, tennis rackets, soccer balls—that need to be stored. Professionals recommend mesh bags like this a Heavy-Duty Triple Storage Bin, so the storage can mold to fit the item. Plus, these breathable bags allow damp equipment to dry.

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Laundry bin

Loads of laundry

Wasting time sorting dirty laundry is something professional organizers try to avoid. Put dirty items in the right bin the first time using a 3-Bin Rolling Laundry Sorter to separate types of laundry. The snap out bags can easily be taken to the dry cleaners or the laundromat. And the fact that the sorter is on wheels makes it easy to roll it up to the washing machine.

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File box

Paperwork system

Paperwork is always an issue, even for the most diligent professional organizer. Staying on top of the incoming mail has never been easier than with this Iris Open-Top File Box. Add a few hanging file folders, and you have the perfect place to file bills-to-be-paid, receipts, and so much more. The open-box feature means the file labels are easily readable, so you won’t forget where you put that paper.

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Post-it label roll

Labels are a must

Professional organizers will label anything that will stand still. Labels serve a double purpose: You know where to find things and you know where to put them back. But no one wants a gummy mess left over after the label is removed—this Post-it Label Roll solves that issue. The labels attach securely and remove cleanly from surfaces like plastic storage bins. Don’t miss the ultimate room-by-room spring cleaning checklist.

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Simplehuman Stainless Steel Grocery Bag Holder

Contain plastic bags

Plastic grocery store bags are handy, although storing a bunch of bags inside another bag can get messy. Professional organizers corral their bags in a dispenser like this Simplehuman Stainless Steel Grocery Bag Holder. Insert bags through the large opening on top and pull them out, as needed, from the slot on the bottom.

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Replacement battery storage

Replacement battery storage

Finding the correct size replacement battery has never been easier than with the InterDesign Linus Battery Organizer. This storage container lets you neatly store all size batteries in a box with a hinged lid. No more searching for a spare battery they will all be sorted and stored safely upright.

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Drawer divider

Drawer dividers

Finding a place for everything and everything in its place is a breeze with this Clear Expandable Drawer Divider. Forget about jumbled drawers; these customizable dividers let you create a spot for all the stuff you want to store in your drawers.

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Flip-out bins

Small stuff storage

Modular Flip-Out Bins are the best way professional organizers know how to contain all the little pieces and parts that would otherwise get misplaced. From picture hanging hooks and screws to craft pieces and jewelry, these little bins let you keep all the little stuff from getting lost.

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Tray dividers

Divided storage

Efficient storage, like this Design Ideas Tray Divider, is an organizer’s dream. No more un-stacking then re-stacking a tower of trays. This divider creates multiple vertical slots in your kitchen cabinet to store cake pans, baking sheets, muffin tins, cutting boards, serving trays and more.

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Every product is independently selected by our editors. If you buy something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

The post 21 Container Store Products Professional Organizers Use in Their Homes appeared first on Taste Recipes.
