SkinnyMs. Editors, Author at Taste Recipes Find Recipes, Appetizers, Desserts, Holiday Recipes & Healthy Cooking Tips Wed, 20 Dec 2023 09:55:03 +0000 en-US hourly 6,32 SkinnyMs. Editors, Author at Taste Recipes 32 32 Top 5 Healthy Fats Thu, 28 Jun 2018 20:09:11 +0000 Not all fats are harmful to your health.

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Fats are known as the enemies when it comes to losing weight and getting healthy. However, they should be known as the super heroes–well, healthy fats should be, at least. While saturated fats and trans fats could be detrimental to your health, healthy fats help control blood pressure, boost the immune system, and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Read on to find out our top 5 healthy fats that could benefit you in these ways and more.

1. Avocado

Photo Courtesy of SkinnyMs.

Other than tasting amazing and being a perfect ingredient in a wide variety of meals, avocados also have numerous health benefits. They’re full of vitamins and minerals–one of them being potassium, which helps control blood pressure. They contain B vitamins, which means they also help fight off diseases. Avocados, like most healthy fats, make you feel full longer due to the amount of fiber they have. Since they are monounsaturated fats, they can help you lower your cholesterol when eaten in proper portion sizes.

Now that you’ve learned about how nutrient-dense avocados are, check out our Strawberry, Avocado, and Spinach Salad. It’s the perfect summer meal.

2. Nuts

Photo Courtesy of SkinnyMs.

Nuts and nut butters have been a big deal in the fitness world for quite some time now–and for good reason. They often get a bad rap because they are high in fat and can become very unhealthy very quickly. It’s important to stay away from nuts that are candied, loaded up with salt, and smothered in sugar or sugary substances. Nuts that do not have added sugars and/or salts are good for your heart. They can lower bad cholesterol, prevent unusual heart rhythms that can result in heart attack, and are a good source of both omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.

For more heart healthy foods, check out 25 Top Foods for Heart Health.

3. Fish

Photo Courtesy of SkinnyMs.

Fish such as salmon, tuna, and trout are high in omega-3 fatty acids which lower the risk of heart disease, prevent depression, and aid in the neurological development of infants. Research also shows that omega-3’s (and, therefore, fish) prevent Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and possibly even asthma.

Another plus side of fish is the variety of dishes you can make with them. Go improve your health and try out some of these fish recipes: Pan Seared Salmon with Thai VegetablesMediterranean Tuna SaladGrilled Salmon Sliders.

4. Olive Oil

Photo Courtesy of SkinnyMs.

Olive oil is great for cooking, but it’s also great for your heart. The fat found in olive oil is monounsaturated. Monounsaturated fatty acids lower cholesterol, benefit insulin levels, and control blood sugar. With this being said, substituting olive oil for butter and margarine could really improve your health in multiple ways. Corn on the cob is a great example of a recipe  in which olive oil can be substituted for the unfortunately popular choice of butter. Take a look at Grilled Corn on the Cob with Basil & Olive Oil to see how to make this dish healthy.

5. Flaxseed

Photo Courtesy of SkinnyMs.

Omega-3 fatty acids are present in flaxseed which, again, benefits heart health. There are 1.8 grams of omega-3 fatty acids in 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed. Flaxseed is also a great source of fiber and lignans which have antioxidant properties. It’s suggested, too, that consuming flaxseed can help prevent certain cancers, lung disease, and cardiovascular disease.

Check out 3 Benefits of Flaxseed for more benefits and recipes that incorporate them!

More from SkinnyMs.

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No Starch Diet Recipes for People Who Need More Energy In Their Day Wed, 04 Apr 2018 15:34:34 +0000 Have you been considering going on a no starch diet? The diet, which is meant to provide your body with

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Have you been considering going on a no starch diet? The diet, which is meant to provide your body with the nutrition it needs while eliminating empty carbohydrates, is actually way more accessible than you might imagine. Yes, you’ll have to say sayonara to cereal and a heaping bowl of pasta, but there is so much goodness out there for you to indulge in.

Let’s get something straight about starch. When chosen carefully, starches can be a part of a healthy, balanced diet. They are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. But not all starches are created equal.

An easy way to avoid starches is to cut out grains and their flours, which are found in such things as cookies, baked potatoes, breads, pasta, rice, and French fries, which, when over consumed (which they typically are in the American diet), can cause weight gain. Starches are also found in high concentrations in winter squash such as butternut or acorn, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, sweet corn, peas, and parsnips.

However, just cutting out starches and not knowing what to fill in its place for energy isn’t a smart idea. If you want to go on a no starch diet, without crashing, it’s important to get enough protein and other healthy carbs, as well as increase your fat intake.

Here’s a guide of what to eat from breakfast to dessert.

For Breakfast

1. 5-Ingredient Baked Egg Mushrooms

Mushrooms have that meaty, chewy texture that will make any dish feel indulgent. Combined with the creaminess of an egg yolk, this is one mouth watering recipe that’s good for anyone looking to avoid starch but fill up on energy-boosting foods.

2. No-Bake Fruit Energy Bars

When you’re trying to make it out the door in time for work but are starving, things like a muffin might be the easiest grab-and-go option. But if you know you often run late, take time to whip up some energy bars on a Sunday night. Not only are they great for a no starch diet, but they are packed with super healthy and energizing ingredients, hence the name!

3. Cinnamon Bun Pancakes

Pancakes are a guilty pleasure, whether you’re trying to avoid starch or not. But anyone looking to have their pancakes and eat them too with enjoy this recipe. Using coconut flour allows for a no starch decadent breakfast dish. The Greek yogurt and egg whites will give you a healthy dose of energizing protein.

For a Snack

4. 3-Ingredient Parmesan Kale Chips

Whether it’s a mid-morning hunger pang or that afternoon slump, sometimes a bag of chips are just calling your name. For a no-starch (and way healthier option), try these crunchy kale chips that are busting with flavor, plus vitamins and minerals for a surefire way to fuel your body.

5.  Avocado Dip and Veggies

Whether or not crackers, potato chips, or tortilla chips are an option, this super delicious, filling, and energizing combination of avocado dip and veggies is a healthy and delicious snack.

6. Meaty Veggie Roll-Ups

Sometimes you just don’t have the time to even snack! When that happens, grab some deli meat and cheese, chop up some vegetables and roll it all up to refuel on the go.

For Lunch

7. Grilled Shrimp and Radish Chopped Salad

Salads are a great way to avoid starch. This colorful concoction will keep you satisfied for hours. From the shrimp to the kale, you’ll get lots of energy-boosting ingredients.

8. Tuna Salad Stuffed Avocado

Just because there’s no bread in this recipe doesn’t mean you won’t feel full and satisfied after eating this delicious dish. Fresh seared tuna salad is packed into an avocado bowl, with lemon and Greek yogurt providing a tangy, creamy complement to the fattiness of the avocado.

9. Thai Chicken Lettuce Cups

A nice and conventional swap to starchy bread is lettuce. From the crunch to the sturdiness, lettuce cups can pack in a whole lot of ingredients and flavor. This recipe really kicks it up a notch, however, with a sour and spicy warm stir-fried meat folded in for a protein punch.

For Dinner

10. Raw Spiralized Zucchini Noodles with Tomatoes and Pesto

When you think of pasta, one word comes to mind: starch. Well, delicious and comforting also come to mind, but you get where I’m going. This dish fulfills that craving for a big bowl of noodles by using no starch zucchini noodles. Combined with zesty tomatoes and creamy pesto, it’s a delightful light dinner for when you need a boost of energy before getting back to work or going out for an event.

11. Lasagna Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

Lasagna can bring on the food coma, but if you have things to do, that’s the last thing you want! A great no starch alternative that will fuel you up is this lasagna made with spaghetti squash instead of noodles. Still comforting, packed with protein from the ground turkey, and oozing with delicious Italian flavors, you’ll be hard-pressed to take breaths between each bite!

12. Grilled Pork Chops with Asparagus and Pesto

Pork chops are the star in this dish with juicy, protein goodness, while the asparagus is a delightful complement. The pesto really takes the dish to a new level. Save some for leftover lunch the following day for a no starch energy boost the whole office will be drooling over.

For Dessert

13. Strawberry Banana Cheesecake Bites

Cheesecake is one indulgent and delicious dessert, but if starch is off limits, you should know that some recipes contain a small amount of starch, like flour or cornstarch. To keep your dessert healthy and starch-free, try this recipe that can easily follow up your light lunch. Sweet, fresh strawberries are topped with banana cheesecake creme. The result is simple, stunning, and oh so irresistible.

14. Coconut Banana Paleo Cookies

In the mood for a cookie after lunch? Maybe it’s 3 and you can barely keep your eyes open and you just need a distraction. If you’re following a no starch diet, this recipe will allow you to healthily satisfy your sweet tooth and boost your energy levels.

Following a no starch diet may seem tricky, especially if you are trying to keep yourself fueled up for a workout or to stay productive throughout the day, but by incorporating more protein and vegetables, and making simple swaps like using almond flour or coconut flour in your sweet treats and snacks, you’ll be able to navigate the diet easily, while avoiding energy crashes.

Read More from SkinnyMs.

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7 Smart Ways to Stop Cravings at Night Tue, 20 Mar 2018 20:07:25 +0000 You know the feeling. It's late, but your cravings just won't quit. These ways to stop cravings at night will save you from guilt later on!

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One of the biggest mistakes people make when dieting is late-night snacking. You exercise regularly, and each day, you choose healthy options from breakfast to dinner. But then comes the rumbling tummy, and the sudden snack attack, and there goes all your hard work. Thankfully, there are super accessible ways to stop cravings at night.

1. Hydrate

One of the easiest ways to stop cravings at night is to hydrate! When you feel the urge to sneak into the pantry and pull out the chips, try drinking two or more cups of water. Another great option is to make a cup of herbal tea, which can relax you enough to forget about food altogether.

According to research, just eight ounces of water can be effective enough to fill up the stomach and turn you off from food, all while consuming zero calories. You can also try these 5 Simple Detox Water Recipes to Boost Metabolism. They flavor water with healthy ingredients like lemon juice and fruit.

2. Distract yourself

Boredom can be a big reason you suddenly feel hungry. If you’re not tired, but it’s too late to snack, simply distract yourself! Often times, a strange craving for chips or cookies is merely psychological, and not your body telling you it’s time to eat.

As weird as it may sound, doing something unappetizing, like cleaning your toilet, or taking out the cat litter, can be a great distraction. You can also try distracting yourself with an evening walk around the block. One study found that walking briskly for 15 minutes reduced cravings for chocolate.

You can even try distracting yourself by meditating. which lowers levels of stress. Stress boosts the hormone cortisol, which triggers the urge to eat unhealthy foods high in fat and sugar. Check out these other ways daily meditation can help you lose weight.

3. Suck on hard candy

Most hard candy is low in calories and gives you the satisfaction of just having something tasty in your mouth. Make your hard candy one with peppermint. One study found that when inhaling peppermint scent every two hours, participants reported feeling significantly less hungry and that they ate 1,800 fewer calories than normal. The researchers also found that the peppermint scent reduced cravings, and reduced the intake of fat and sugar.

4. Stop binge-watching TV

As hard as it might be to hear that your race through all 14 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy is working against your waistline, it’s time you take a break from the TV. Research has found that staying up late to stay up-to-date on your favorite show throws off your circadian clock. Forcing yourself to stay up when you’re exhausted results in an increase in hunger and cravings too. If you stop the TV binging and still find your sleep is out of whack, you might want to consider these 5 Things That Are Killing Your Sleep Schedule.

5. Have dessert

It might seem counterintuitive, but allowing yourself dessert truly is one of the best ways to stop cravings at night. Having an early dinner and then avoiding dessert when it sounds so good can work against your weight loss or weight maintenance goals, because you might find deprivation causing you to binge. It doesn’t even have to be big. Allow yourself a square of dark chocolate to avoid scarfing down a whole sleeve of Oreos. Check out these other 6 Desserts You Can Enjoy while Losing Weight.

6. Brush your teeth

Keeping a routine is one of the easiest ways to stop cravings at night. Make brushing your teeth after dinner or dessert a must. The work you put into polishing your pearly whites will have you questioning your craving for a late-night treat, because who wants to go through the trouble of brushing twice?

Besides, food doesn’t taste nearly as good after you’ve rinsed your mouth with mouthwash or brushed. You’ve learned that mistake many times before! Make this DIY Natural Teeth Whitener which will both distract you from your snack craving and deter you from messing with your fresh teeth with a treat.

7. Upgrade your night craving food

Sometimes you can do all of the ways to stop cravings at night above, and still feel your tummy grumbling and your brain telling you a bite is right. That’s okay. But be careful what you choose.

If you choose to snack on a couple crackers or cookies, you know the chances that you’ll stop at two is extremely rare. It’s too easy to get distracted by the sweet or salty taste.

If you just have to snack, make it the healthiest it can be. Try an apple with peanut butter. Hummus with veggies. A handful of dried fruit. If you need something creamy, try yogurt sprinkled with cinnamon and a few cacao nibs. These snacks won’t make you feel guilty in the morning, while getting your craving off your mind. Just be sure you keep your portion size in check.

If it’s the middle of the night and you can’t sleep because all you can think about is that dessert you didn’t allow yourself, give yourself the sweet if you must, but approach it mindfully. Put it on a plate, and savor each bite. You might be surprised to find just one or two bite does the trick. And if it keeps happening, learn your lesson and allow yourself a small but sweet bite after dinner to keep from middle of the night cravings. There are plenty of healthy desserts you can enjoy that are guilt-free, like these 12 Healthy Desserts Under 150 Calories.

When you have cravings, ask yourself if you’re depriving yourself too much. If you’ve chosen to adopt a healthier lifestyle, you might miss chips. Add in healthier options like homemade sweet potato chips sprinkled with sea salt. Give yourself the option of dessert with healthier options.

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5 Snacks That Will Give You More Energy Than Coffee Fri, 09 Mar 2018 21:47:17 +0000 Get the energy to power through your day with these clean eating high energy snacks!

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Good news for snackers! Small, frequent snacks can be beneficial to your health. That’s right: eating healthy snacks between meals can keep your body working at its full potential. When you go too long without food, your body runs out of available energy. It’s usually around the four or five hour mark that your body begins to crash. If you go this long without food, it slows your metabolism, leaves you feeling sluggish, and triggers cravings and binges. When you go too long without replenishing your food stores, you’re more likely to overeat later.

In order to keep your metabolism going, your blood sugar stable, and your energy levels up, eat small, high-energy snacks throughout the day.

These 5 high energy snacks will perk you up and help you get through anything! Don’t rely on coffee and other highly caffeinated drinks to stay awake. Get energy the right way with these 5 natural coffee alternatives.

1. Trail Mix

Trail mix is popular among hikers and adventurers because it provides quick energy and much-needed nutrients. Many trail mix varieties exist, but they usually consist of mixed nuts and dried fruit. Dried fruit digests quickly and its sugar is broken down for fast energy. Nuts take longer to digest, which means your stomach won’t begin rumbling for a while. Nuts and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Keep your nutrient stores high to fight off cravings and binges.

2. Fruit & Protein Smoothie

This smoothie is the perfect high-energy snack. Highly customizable, incredibly refreshing, and packed with natural energy, a smoothie can help you power through your tasks and get through the day. Look for recipes without added sugar. Instead, stick to the natural sugars found in frozen fruit. Greek yogurt and protein powder are great ways to make your energy smoothie snack truly filling. This Morning Power-Up Energy Shake is thick and creamy, made with smooth blended banana, almond butter, and Greek yogurt. It contains a whopping 20 grams of protein and only 19 grams of net carbs. For a low-calorie option, try this Strawberry Sunrise Smoothie that’s only 76 calories per serving.

3. Peanut Butter on a Rice Cake

Slather a thick layer of peanut butter on a rice cake and you have a delicious and filling snack. Peanut butter is rich in healthy fats and helps keep you full for hours. Make sure you buy natural peanut butter that lists only peanuts (or roasted peanuts) under its ingredients.

4. Banana & Nut Butter

Bananas and nut butter are a combination made in snack heaven! Bananas a great source of natural energy. Their sugar breaks down quickly to get your going before you crash, while potassium helps balance out sodium. Combine it with the healthy fats in nuts and you have a snack that will give you energy now and keep you full later! Try nut and banana bites with this almond butter banana mini sandwich recipe.

5. Nuts & Seeds

Get a boost of energy and antioxidants with some nuts and seeds. A handful of almonds or sunflower seeds can ward off hunger. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can try making homemade nut bars or energy bites. These tasty chocolate coconut almond balls are sweetened with dates and are the perfect way to satisfy a sweet tooth. These no-bake oatmeal chocolate chip energy bites are another fun snack. With the perfect touch of chocolate and a slight crunch from unsweetened coconut and chia seeds, these bites are both delicious and nutritious.

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5 Best Breakfast Foods to Jumpstart Your Metabolism Fri, 09 Mar 2018 21:33:56 +0000 Who doesn’t love a meal with the power to raise metabolism, the rate at which the body burns calories?!

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Breakfast is bodacious. At least, we think it is. After all, who doesn’t love a meal with the power to raise metabolism, the rate at which the body burns calories?! Many breakfast foods are perfect metabolism boosters because they’re high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, or protein. Here are the 5 best breakfast foods to raise metabolism:

  1. Whole grains: Forget nutritionally-empty toaster pastries. When you want to burn more calories throughout the day, reach for whole grains. Our Quinoa Breakfast Cereal delivers a metabolism-satisfying mix of complex carbs and protein for lasting energy.
  2. Eggs: A great source of protein, eggs provide energy to keep you—and your muscles—powered-up all day. Get started with this yummy Crustless Asparagus Quiche.
  3. Lean protein: Carnivores rejoice! You can indulge in healthful portions of lean meat as part of a metabolism-boosting breakfast. Try the ever-popular Skinny Breakfast Sausage.
  4. Fruit: The fiber in fruit makes it a natural calorie-burner. The best part is that fruit is super-versatile: add it to Greek yogurt, mix it with cereal, or enjoy it all by its awesome self. Since green tea is another metabolism mover, get a double-shot of health with our Green Tea Kiwi-Berry Smoothie.
  5. Low-fat dairy: Dairy doesn’t need to be a diet no-no! Low-fat dairy provides plenty of protein to boost metabolism naturally. Indulge in Greek yogurt, or enjoy the cheese in our Pita Pocket Breakfast Sandwich, which contains other metabolism boosters, like eggs and spinach.

Make your breakfast bodacious by adding the foods that raise your metabolism. Enjoy!

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The 10 Rules of Forever Weight Loss Sat, 24 Feb 2018 15:14:29 +0000 The true struggle in the world of weight loss is keeping weight off once you’ve lost it. Follow this clear path to success.

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The true struggle in the world of weight loss is keeping weight off once you’ve lost it. It’s straightforward enough to count calories and exercise your way across a finish line. But what happens when you reach your goal? Obviously, reverting to your old habits can only hurt you. But what exactly are you expected to do now? You need clear rules to follow.

Keeping weight off is the same as losing it, but also a different animal in itself. Respect the struggle it might become. You’ve accomplished something great, but the hard part has only just really begun. Here are 10 rules of forever weight loss.

1. Monitor what you eat.

Don’t throw away your food logs just because you’ve reached your goal. Little things can and will sneak back into your diet, and you must be aware of them before they get out of hand. Keep watching what you eat.

2. Stay active.

You don’t need to maintain a vigorous exercise regime anymore, though it would not hurt if you did. Keep your body active however you can, and avoid becoming sedentary.

3. Stay hydrated.

Dehydration is no joke. Staying hydrated is staying healthy. Continue to opt for water over other sugary drinks, though feel free to sparingly work them back into your diet.

4. Eat consciously.

Savor every single bite of food you take, and stop when you are full. Do not allow yourself to slip into mindless, automatic eating. Be aware of every bite you take.

5. Eat more at the start of your day.

Make sure you are eating breakfast. Keep your lunches at noon, and your dinners reasonably early. Eating late at night will  cause weight to come back.

6. Weigh yourself regularly.

Keep track of how things are going. Weigh yourself once a week at first, and then taper off onto only occasional weighings if you have been successful in keeping the weight off. If you have not, make changes as soon as you notice weight returning.

7. Be consistent, but not boring with your food.

Consistency is key in maintaining a healthy diet, but too much of the same causes food boredom which can end with you eating out more and more. Spice things up now and again with your own homemade food, but stick to your healthy foods more often than not.

8. Continue to strive for a healthier lifestyle.

There are always ways to improve. See what changes you are willing and able to further make, and monitor how they go to see if they work for you. Nix them if they don’t help, even if they have helped someone else.

9. Stay accountable.

Continue to go to the gym, or weight loss meetings, or whatever community you found support in while you were losing weight. If they were worth their (lost) weight in gold, they will continue to be valuable resources for support. If not, hold yourself accountable.

10. Be proud, but not complacent. 

You have accomplished something great, and you have every right to be proud. But complacency can only hurt you; make sure to not get too comfortable in your success when there is still so much work for you to do.

Read more from SkinnyMs.

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15 Slow Cooker Dinners to Help You Lose Weight Fri, 16 Feb 2018 22:35:51 +0000 Lighten up your meal plan with these 15 slow cooker weight loss dinners designed to help you effortlessly reach your goals.

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Let’s face it: slow cooker is simply another term for convenient deliciousness! What’s more, this go-to appliance is a super easy way to serve healthy meals. Lighten up your meal plan with these 15 slow cooker weight loss dinners designed to help you effortlessly reach your goals.

Just because you’re on a journey to slim down doesn’t mean you need to deprive yourself of yummy recipes. Look for ingredients that are not overly processed or, better yet, include whole foods. The slow cooker weight loss dinners below are filled with the clean eating ingredients that deliver fiber, protein, and healthy fats—precisely what you need to support weight loss.

As you incorporate these into your healthy menu plans, remember to take advantage of leftovers. The slow cooker soup you make for dinner one night will be a delicious reheated lunch a day or two later—and you spend less time in the kitchen.

In addition, drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and take the edge off the munchies. For more tips on making your weight loss journey a successful one, check out The Weight Loss Pantry and How to Stop Mindless Eating in 5 Steps.

1. Slow Cooker Chicken Cordon Bleu Soup

Photo: SkinnyMs.

With fewer than 215 calories per serving, this soup is a delicious way to support a healthy lifestyle. It includes nitrate-free ham, chicken breasts, carrots, and more.

2. Slow Cooker Sweet Potato Chili

Photo: SkinnyMs.

Sweet ‘taters are filled with fiber, which helps you feel fuller longer. Slow cooker weight loss dinners like this one are an easy way to add healthy foods to your menu.

3. Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Stew

Photo: SkinnyMs.

Beans add plenty of plant-based protein to this recipe. You’ll also find spices, like chili powder and cumin, which provide a temporary metabolism boost.

4. Slow Cooker Vegetable Curry

Photo: SkinnyMs.

Loads of veggie goodness make this a natural weight loss ally, but it also contains curry, which includes weight loss-boosting spices like turmeric.

5. Slow Cooker Kale and Quinoa Soup

Photo: SkinnyMs.

This soup delivers a bowl-full of weight loss awesomeness; beans add nourishing protein while kale offers waistline-friendly fiber.

6. Slow Cooker Broccoli and Cheddar Soup

Photo: SkinnyMs.

Broccoli combines with reduced fat cheese and Greek yogurt in this dinner winner that will help you lose weight the tasty, creamy way. It offers just 160 calories per serving!

7. Slow Cooker Honey Garlic Chicken

Photo: SkinnyMs.

Swap out the refined sugars and syrups often found in other honey garlic chicken recipes for the unrefined sugar and clean eating ingredients that support weight loss.

8. Crockpot Low-Fat Beef Stew

Photo: SkinnyMs.

Sink your spoon into a comfort food that won’t make you feel the need to unbutton your pants afterwards. This healthier stew includes lean beef and plenty of veggies, like carrots and celery.

9. Slow Cooker Butternut Squash & Kale Stew

Photo: SkinnyMs.

With low-calorie kale and fiber-licous butternut squash, this stew delivers a one-two punch to fat.

10. Better Than Your Mom’s Chicken Soup

Photo: SkinnyMs.

From corn to peas to carrots and more, this soup is the perfect way to enjoy a taste of home. It also has just 155 mg of sodium per serving—a fraction of what you’ll find in most processed chicken soups!

11. Crockpot 3-Ingredient Balsamic Chicken

Photo: SkinnyMs.

Lean protein, like the chicken in this recipe, is a smart way to support lean muscle tissue, which burns more calories than fat so you have a higher metabolism.

12. Slow Cooker Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Photo: SkinnyMs.

Another comfort food made healthier! Lean turkey, long grain rice, and cabbage come together in a body-friendly recipe.

13. Slow Cooker Fiesta Chili Supper

Photo: SkinnyMs.

Enjoy traditional flavors without sacrificing your thighs in slow cooker weight loss dinners like this one, which includes lean turkey, kidney beans, bell pepper, and a metabolism-boosting chili.

14. Slow Cooker Lasagna

Photo: SkinnyMs.

Did you know you can prep this family favorite in the crock pot? This easy-to-love recipe swaps out refined noodles for whole wheat noodles to boost fiber and nutrients.

15. Slow Cooker Buffalo Turkey Meatballs

Photo: SkinnyMs.

This is a healthier version of that wings flavor you crave. We created this better-for-you slow cooker recipe using whole wheat bread, non-fat milk, and lean turkey (or chicken).

Need more ideas? Our low calorie slow cooker recipes are easy and delicious, or check out these tasty and healthy weeknight dinners.

Read more from SkinnyMs.

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3 Surprising Tricks to Lose Weight Quickly Tue, 30 Jan 2018 20:02:37 +0000 We’ve researched some of the best ways to lose weight and found a few tricks that will help you drop those extra pounds. These tricks to lose weight are perfect for people of all lifestyles.

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Photo: Shutterstock / Rohappy

Losing weight can be tough. Finding a weight loss strategy is a lot of work. When looking for ways to shed pounds, don’t worry about fad diets and trendy workouts. The best way to lose weight is to make small lifestyle changes that have a big impact on your health. We’ve researched some of the best ways to lose weight and found a few tricks that will help you drop those extra pounds. These tricks to lose weight are perfect for people of all lifestyles.

Photo: SkinnyMs.

1. Drink more water.

This might seem like a no-brainer, but many people overlook this simple change in habit. Drinking eight glasses of water daily helps keep you away from snack foods. When you drink a glass of water before each meal, you’ll feel fuller more quickly. When your stomach feels full, you’re less inclined to reach for an extra plate of food.

Besides taking up stomach room and helping you feel full, water can act as a powerful weight loss tool for many other reasons as well. Check out these 10 Ways Drinking Water Can Help You Lose Weight to learn more!

When it comes to water, many struggle getting enough of their daily recommended intake. Get on track with these 12 Easy Ways to Increase Your Water Intake.

Photo: SkinnyMs.

2. Stick to the same set meals.

Studies show that when people eat the same kinds of food daily, they’re less inclined to overeat. This is because when confronted with a wide variety of foods (for example, high-fat foods at restaurants), you’re more likely to overeat and gain weight. Stick to specific types of meals when you’re trying to shed pounds. When you want to mix things up, try adding variety to your diet with new fruits and veggies.

And speaking of meals, portion control also plays a huge role when you’re trying to lose inches. These 8 Easy Tips for Controlling Portion Sizes will help you manage your health and weight!

Photo: SkinnyMs.

3. Exercise Can Be Fun.

It’s easy to feel like working out is a chore. Getting up and going to the gym can be tedious. Research shows that you are more likely to stick to an exercise plan if it’s something you actually enjoy. Find a physical activity that you really love. It can be walking, bike riding, taking your dog for a run, or joining a salsa class. When you enjoy a physical activity, you shed pounds without feeling like you’re being forced to work out.

Besides helping with weight loss, exercise comes with a host of health benefits. However, you don’t necessarily have to work out to lose weight! In fact, it’s entirely possible to drop pounds without even mentioning the word “exercise.” Check out How To Lose Weight Without Exercise to learn more!


WebMD [2]

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