14 Brilliant Uses for Ice Cubes You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

Updated on Nov. 17, 2023

You probably never knew that a block of frozen water can do a lot more than just cool down your drink.

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Plant in ceramic pots hang on concrete wall

Water hanging plants and Christmas trees

If you’re constantly reaching for the step stool to water hard-to-reach hanging plants, ice cubes can help. Just toss several cubes into the pots. The ice melts and waters the plants and does it without causing a sudden downpour from the drain hole. This is also a good way to water your Christmas tree, whose base may be hard to reach with a watering can. Here are 9 fun and funky ice cube trays you’ll want now.

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Low close up view of a beige furry carpet texture background

Remove dents in carpeting

If you’ve recently rearranged the furniture in your living room, you know that heavy pieces can leave ugly indents in your carpet. Use ice cubes to remove them. Put an ice cube, for example, on the spot where the chair leg stood. Let it melt, then brush up the dent. Rug rehab completed.

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caulk around a toilet

Smooth caulk seams

You’re caulking around the bathtub, but the sticky caulk compound keeps adhering to your finger as you try to smooth it. If you don’t do something about it, the finished job will look pretty awful. Solve the problem by running an ice cube along the caulk line. This forms the caulk into a nice even bead and the caulk will never stick to the ice cube. Check out these brilliant ways to clean with baking soda.

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Green cloth texture

Help iron out wrinkles

So your ready-to-wear shirt is full of wrinkles and there’s no time to wash it again. Turn on the iron and wrap an ice cube in a soft cloth. Rub over the wrinkle just before you iron and the shirt will smooth out.

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Syrup pour
Michelle Lee Photography/Shutterstock

Mask the taste of medicine

No matter what flavor your local pharmacist offers in children’s medicine, kids can still turn up their noses at the taste. Have them suck on an ice cube before taking the medicine. This numbs the taste buds and allows the medicine to go down, without the spoonful of sugar.

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A splinter in the finger close-up.

Pluck a splinter

Parental challenge #573: removing a splinter from the hand of a screaming, squirming toddler. Before you start jabbing with that needle, grab an ice cube and numb the area. This should make splinter removal more painless and quicker. Check out these first aid remedies you can find in your pantry.

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broken arm bone in cast
Rudchenko Liliia/Shutterstock

Prevent a blister from a burn

Have you burned yourself? An ice cube applied to the burn will stop it from blistering.

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Gifts for dogs pet bandana
via amazon.com

Cool water for your pets

Imagine what it’s like to wear a fur coat in the middle of summer. Your rabbits, hamsters and gerbils will love your thoughtfulness if you place a few cubes in their water dish to cool down. This is also a good tip for your cat, who’s spent the hot morning lounging on your bed, or your dog, who’s just had a long romp in the park.

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Waste disposal plug hole in a kitchen sink
Snap Happy/Shutterstock

Unstick a sluggish disposal

If your garbage disposal is not working at its optimum because of grease buildup (not something stuck inside), ice cubes may help. Throw some down the disposal and grind them up. The grease will cling to the ice, making the disposal residue-free. Don’t miss these things you can clean with a lemon instead of chemicals.

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Blue cheese salad dressing
Taste Recipes

Make creamy salad dressing

Do you want to make your homemade salad dressing as smooth and even as the bottled variety? Try this: Put all the dressing ingredients in a jar with a lid, then add a single ice cube. Close the lid and shake vigorously. Spoon out the ice cube and serve. Your guests will be impressed by how creamy your salad dressing is.

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Delicious breakfast with eggs Benedict and juice
BlueOrange Studio/Shutterstock

Stop sauces from curdling

Imagine this: Your neighbors are over for a Sunday brunch featuring eggs Benedict. But when you mixed butter and egg yolks with lemon juice to make hollandaise sauce for the dish, it curdled. What do you do? Place an ice cube in the saucepan, stir, and watch the sauce turn back into a silky masterpiece. Here are 25 more kitchen shortcuts you’ll wish you knew sooner.

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Chicken vegetable soups
Chicken Vegetable Soup Recipe photo by Taste Recipes

De-fat soup and stews

Want to get as much fat as possible out of your homemade soup or stew as quickly as possible? Fill a metal ladle with ice cubes and skim the bottom of the ladle over the top of the liquid in the soup pot. Fat will collect on the ladle.

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Organic Brown Rice in the bowl on the wooden table; Shutterstock ID 280020284

Reheat rice

Does your leftover rice dry out when you reheat it in the microwave? Try this: Put an ice cube on top of the rice when you put it in the microwave. The ice cube will melt as the rice reheats, giving the rice much-needed moisture. Read about these household vinegar uses you never knew.

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Close up hand removing sticky chewing gum from black textile or clothes
iMoved Studio/Shutterstock

Remove gum from clothing

You’re just about to walk out the door when Junior points to the gum stuck to his pants. Keep your cool and grab an ice cube. Rub the ice on the gum to harden it, then scrape it off with a spoon. Next, check out these other extraordinary uses for household staples you already own.

Reader's Digest
Originally Published on Reader's Digest