Why Do Pregnant Women Crave Pickles?
Why do pregnant women crave pickles and ice cream? Well, the science is mixed.

Are Pumpkin Seeds Good for You?
Though relatively high in calories, a small handful of pumpkin seeds packs a big nutritional punch.

Are Pickles Good for You?
Pickles might be a fruit—but are pickles good for you? It's the food question that people can't stop Googling! Find...

How Do You Increase “Good” Cholesterol?
High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is the "good cholesterol" we're all after. Carrie Madormo, RN, explains how to raise good cholesterol...

10 Healthy Drinks You’re Not Drinking—Yet!
Sure, water is the smartest drink out there, but if you're craving something more, these healthy drinks will give you...

9 Exceptional Tart Cherry Juice Benefits for Your Health
From cancer protection to better workouts, tart cherry juice may be the best-kept secret to more vibrant health.

13 Sneaky Foods That Can Increase Your Blood Sugar
You know you should avoid processed foods and sugary treats if you're watching your blood sugar levels, but there are...

The Best and Worst High-Carb Foods for Your Health
We can have our carbs and be healthy, too! For a smart energy boost, turn to high-carb foods with something...

The Scientific Reason Why Some People Think Artificial Sweeteners Taste Bitter
Why do artificial sweeteners taste bitter to some people and sweet to others? Science has the answer.

The Best Spices for Your Health
Lower your cholesterol, boost your immune system and add mega flavor to your favorite dishes with these good-for-you spices.

12 Surprising Benefits of Baking Soda for Health and Beauty
You probably already use it in the kitchen, and maybe even to tackle household cleaning projects. But have you heard...

15 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism
For more energy during the day, pack your diet with healthy metabolism-boosting foods.

Is Canned Fruit Healthy or Not?
Is canned fruit healthy? We have the answer once and for all.

This Is the Healthiest Oil for Frying Food
The oil you use to make salad dressing isn't necessarily the healthiest oil for frying. We take a look at...

If You Don’t Eat a Banana Every Day, This Might Convince You to Start
An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Not so much. Try this fruit, instead.

10 Health Benefits of Dates
The health benefits of dates couldn't be sweeter!

11 Cauliflower Benefits for Your Health
It's no secret that cauliflower benefits the body. Fortunately, this on-trend vegetable is more than a low-carb substitute. Here are...

10 Kombucha Health Benefits
These days kombucha is available everywhere from your local health food store to your gas station. But what makes this...

Are Cashews Good for You? Here’s What You Need to Know.
With their sweet, buttery taste, they're everyone's favorite nut, but are cashews good for you?

9 Ways That Kimchi Benefits Your Health
You may know and love kimchi as one of your favorite spicy Korean pickled treats. But is kimchi good for...

Is Wild Rice Healthy? Here’s the Scoop, According to a Nutritionist
Is wild rice healthy? Absolutely! This native grain packs a powerful nutritional punch. Go grab a bowl and let's break...

8 Lactation Foods Every New Mom Should Know
Feel healthier while making more milk for your baby with these lactation foods every mom should know.

Here’s Everything You Should Know About Healthy Peanut Butter
What makes healthy peanut butter, well, healthy? We break down what you should look for on the label, plus some...

Wild Rice vs. Brown Rice vs. Quinoa—Which Is Best?
Searching for the healthiest whole grain? Join us as we compare wild rice, brown rice and quinoa to discover which...

The Best Sugar-Free Snacks to Boost Your Energy
It's easy to choose a treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth without any refined sugar. Here are some of...

Oatmeal vs Rice Cereal for Babies: Find Out Which is Best for Your Child
Find out the differences between oatmeal vs rice cereal for babies, as well as how to choose the right one...

8 Black Grape Benefits You Should Know
You would never guess that black grape benefits extend to a healthy heart, glowing skin and strong immune system. You'll...

10 Surprising Strawberry Benefits for Your Health and Wellness
These strawberry benefits justify picking up an extra pint of ruby-reds from the market. As if they weren't sweet enough...

10 of the Healthiest Fruits for Your Body
Forget fancy superfoods—these nutritious powerhouses are essential staples for any healthy diet.

10 of the Healthiest Vegetables You Can Eat
No list of healthiest vegetables would be complete without these nutritious powerhouses.

8 Lactose-Free Food Swaps Anyone with an Intolerance Needs to Know
Being lactose intolerant isn't fun, but it's not impossible. There are a variety of lactose-free foods out there to spice...