Nutrition Tips

This guide is packed with straightforward nutrition tips to help you eat well and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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9 Ways to Get Protein When You’re on a Plant-Based Diet

Worried about getting all the protein you need on a plant-based diet? Luckily, there are loads of meatless protein-rich foods...

14 Foods High in Calcium (Besides Milk)

You’re old enough now that your mom isn’t nagging you at dinner to drink your milk for strong bones—but that...

9 Easy Ideas for Breakfasts That Help You Lose Weight

It might surprise you to know that small changes are the best way keep your weight loss goals on track!

7 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Drink Orange Juice

A registered dietician weighs in on the good and not-so-good of this morning staple.

Is Whole Wheat Healthier Than White Bread?

We've all heard that whole wheat is better for us—but is that actually true? Here's what you need to know.

8 Things You Should Be Adding to Your Salads That You Aren’t Already

Spice up your salads with these fun and fresh ideas that will bring much-needed texture, color and flavor to a...

4 Surprising Health Benefits of Ginger

Believe it or not, the health benefits of ginger are simply undeniable. Here's why you need to try it for...

How Much Protein Is in Chicken?

How much protein is in chicken breast, thighs and other cuts? It depends on the portion size. Here's a closer...

8 Healthy Ways to Add Nuts to Your Diet

Keep your heart happy and strong with these healthy tips for your diet.

8 Heart-Healthy Foods You Should Always Have On Hand

It's easy to make heart-healthy recipes when your pantry is stocked with the right ingredients.

The World’s Most Nutritious Foods, According to Science

With so many good foods out there, it's hard to know what to eat. Here are the 10 best foods...

If You Want To Lose Weight, Cut Out These Two Foods

A new study found that cutting way back on certain foods (and adding others) can make a huge impact on...

The 10 Rules of Forever Weight Loss

The true struggle in the world of weight loss is keeping weight off once you’ve lost it. Follow this clear...

10 Genius Ways to Cut Sodium in Your Favorite Soup Recipes

Even homemade soups can be laden with unwanted salt. Here are 10 easy ways to cut the sodium in your...

Lose Up to 10 Pounds in 30 Days with the 4-Step Weight-Loss Challenge

Try this 4 Step Weight-Loss Challenge for 30 days and transform your body for a lifetime.

15 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

Give your metabolism a tiny nudge with these foods.

Does draining and rinsing meat reduce fat content?

DEAR PEGGY: If I cook 85/15 lean ground turkey, and drain and rinse it, does it reduce the fat content?

How can I calculate calcium in milligrams based on food labels?

DEAR PEGGY: Every physician I’ve seen has told me how much calcium I need in milligrams, but food labels list

Eggs, Egg Whites, Egg Substitute: Which do I use to be healthier?

From p. 14 of the June/July 2008 Issue of Healthy Cooking

Instant Brown Rice vs. Long Grain Brown Rice

Here's the difference between instant brown rice and long grain brown rice.

Cranberry Juice vs. Cranberry Cocktail

DEAR PEGGY: What are the nutritional differences between cranberry juice cocktail and 100% cranberry juice? —L.E., Colorado Springs, Colorado On