Halloween Recipes

On Halloween, we’re much more into the treats than the tricks. With easy party ideas and fun Halloween recipes (both spooky and sweet!), you’ll scare up some rave reviews.

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    Caramel Apple Float

    2 reviews

    Who doesn't love the flavors of caramel, apples, and vanilla ice cream together? If I'm feeling fancy, I drizzle caramel...

    Spiced Chocolate Truffles

    I make truffles for family events and gift-giving. Someone once asked me to add pumpkin spice, and now my recipe...

    S’mores-Dipped Apples

    6 reviews

    For me, the taste of marshmallow, graham cracker and apple just can't be beat. Others must think the same thing....

    Halloween Candy Bark

    4 reviews

    My kids and I wanted to make a treat using the beautiful colors of fall and some candy that's special...

    Chocolate Candy Corn Cupcakes

    1 review

    My oldest son asks me to make these cupcakes every year for his class Halloween party. I always get compliments...

    Slow Cooker Caramel Apple Cider

    6 reviews

    Spiced with cinnamon sticks, allspice and caramel, this warm-you-up sipper will chase away winter's chill. Serve brimming mugs alongside a...

    Fall Sugar Cookies

    4 reviews

    Rich buttery cookies like these never last long at a party or potluck. I got this recipe from a friend...

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    Spiced Pumpkin Coffee Shakes

    2 reviews

    The winter holidays are my favorite time of year, and this spiced pumpkin drink is one reason I love the...

    Gingerbread Belgian Waffles

    2 reviews

    I like to combine the sweet and spicy taste of gingerbread with the cool and dreamy taste of cream cheese...

    Witches’ Brew

    1 review

    Stir up some Halloween beverages that are as bewitching as the rest of your menu. Omit the vodka for a...

    Jack Skellington Pops

    Cake mix makes quick work of these cake pops decorated to look like Jack the Pumpkin King from The Nightmare...

    Bones & Blood

    3 reviews

    Like a zombie, you'll be desperate for more of these bone-shaped cookies and dip. Fight nicely over them—no biting! —Taste...


    Every host needs an extra hand to put on a good party. Our tribute to the Addams Family character guarantees...

    Black & White Spider Cookies

    10 reviews

    Those eight-legged creatures aren't so creepy when you turn them into cookies. Make these treats any time of year—just skip...

    Butternut Squash Butter

    Looking for a tasty way to use up those pumpkins and have a wonderful gift during the holidays? My pumpkin...

    Carrot Soup with Orange & Tarragon

    1 review

    A pretty orange color, a delicious hint of citrus and a garden-fresh flavor make this soup a requested dish at...

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    Caramel Apples

    14 reviews

    Our caramel apples recipe is an out-of-this-world classic and includes how to make homemade caramel.

    Orange Pineapple Punch

    1 review

    Conni Brueggeman of Sparta, Wisconsin shares a concoction that's a quick to fix as it is to refresh. To mix...

    Marzipan Harvest Table Topper

    YOUR HARVEST will be happy indeed when you reap this sweet centerpiece. To create the topper, CT home economists first...

    Old-Time Popcorn Balls

    2 reviews

    Our whole family loves popcorn. These old-time popcorn balls are great anytime, but they're especially fun to pass out to...

    Spiderweb Brownies

    1 review

    To decorate these moist brownies for Halloween, I drizzle a chocolate spiderweb on their white icing. They're so delicious and...

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    Pumpkin Spice Cake

    19 reviews

    We sometimes call this pumpkin spice cake "Thanksgiving Cake" because it's a tasty alternative to pie, but we don't relegate...

    Halloween Pizza

    1 review

    "I like to perk up Halloween -- or any occasion -- by having the grandkids make these special pizzas," relates...

    Autumn Apple Salad

    11 reviews

    Whether I make it for a Sunday dinner, a company dinner or a covered-dish dinner, people like the blend of...

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    Spooky Pretzel Bones

    I hosted a party one Halloween and wanted to make pretzels to go with my beer cheese dip. Considering the...

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    Easy White Chicken Chili

    24 reviews

    Easy white chicken chili comes together with hearty beans, ground chicken and a creamy broth. Dried herbs and chopped green...

    Parmesan Crisp Baked Apples

    1 review

    A dear friend and I wanted to make an easy apple crisp. We made a Parmesan filling, stuffed the apples...

    Ultimate Oreo Caramel Apples

    My kids like to give Halloween goodies to the neighborhood trick-or-treaters. These cookie-caramel apples were door prizes for a few...

    Mini Pork Pies

    10 reviews

    As a child, I discovered my love of pork pies. I used to help my father deliver oil on Saturdays,...