{"id":1528092,"date":"2020-09-03T13:12:23","date_gmt":"2020-09-03T18:12:23","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.tasteofhome.com\/?p=1528092"},"modified":"2021-09-20T13:25:10","modified_gmt":"2021-09-20T18:25:10","slug":"spicy-chili-crisp","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.tasteofhome.com\/article\/spicy-chili-crisp\/","title":{"rendered":"What Is Spicy Chili Crisp?"},"content":{"rendered":"In the world of hot sauces, spicy chili crisp is a fairly new addition to the marketplace. We're here to break down everything you need to know about this addictive condiment.\r\n

What is spicy chili crisp?<\/h3>\r\nSpicy chili crisp is a blend of various chili peppers, soybean oil, garlic, onions, spices, soybeans and peanuts. You definitely taste the peppers, but it\u2019s not as spicy as you would think. Most of my friends who avoid spicy things have become converts and use it in small amounts in a lot of dishes.\r\n\r\nIt\u2019s an intriguing blend of salty, spicy and umami savoriness<\/a> that is so addictive. My first spoonful was on top of a saltine cracker, and with one bite I was hooked. 15 minutes later, a sleeve of saltines and 1\/3 of a jar was gone. I\u2019ve been putting it on everything I can think of since.\r\n

Where did it come from?<\/h3>\r\nThe most famous brand, LaoGanMa<\/a>, was the brainchild of Tao Huabi. In order to support her family after she was widowed, she opened a noodle shop in the southwestern Chinese province of Guizhou, an area well known for its chili peppers and spicy cuisine. As word of her spicy noodles started to spread, she realized it was the sauce people were in love with, not the noodles. Capitalizing on the fame, she closed the noodle shop and launched the LaoGanMa Special Flavor Foodstuffs Company in 1997. Her spicy chili crisp has since become one of the most beloved condiments in China and is quickly conquering the rest of the world.\r\n

Are chili oil and spicy chili crisp the same?<\/h3>\r\nWhile they may sound the same, chili oil is usually vegetable or other neutral oil simmered with chili pepper flakes, garlic and sometimes ginger or other ingredients. The end result is typically a lot of oil flavored with chili. Spicy chili crisp, on the other hand, can be thought of as a jazzed-up version of chili oil. When you first open the jar you\u2019ll see a layer of oil, but when you dig into it, you find the crunchy goodness just below the surface.\r\n


What's spicy chili crisp good on?<\/h3>\r\nIt may sound like a clich\u00e9 but I\u2019d ask what isn\u2019t<\/em> it good on. I think almost any time you\u2019d normally reach for a bottle of hot sauce<\/a> is a good opportunity to make the switch. Keep in mind the texture will be crunchy, so sauces or glazes won't be the same\u2014in some cases they'll be better! I like to mix a tablespoon or two into a cup of mayonnaise; it makes a great dip or sandwich spread.\r\n\r\nYou can also try it on your eggs in the morning. Sometimes I\u2019ll pour a little of the oil in the jar into the skillet before I fry up some sunny-side up eggs and then spoon more on top. Avocado toast<\/a> only gets better with spicy chili crisp ladled on top as well as pizzas of all kinds<\/a>. One of the most surprising uses for it is on top of vanilla ice cream<\/a>. That\u2019s right, ice cream<\/em>. There\u2019s something about this combo that just works. The sweetness of the ice cream balances the heat of the chili and the crunch is a great counter to the creamy smooth ice cream; trust me, you just have to try it.\r\n\r\nIf spicy chili crisp doesn't satisfy all your spicy cravings, you may want to try sriracha<\/a> or wasabi<\/a>.\r\n\r\n
[embed_shop_button shop_btn_text=\"Shop Now\" shop_btn_url=\"https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Lao-Gan-Ma-Spicy-Chili\/dp\/B01MSFYPYQ\/?tag=tohmke-20\" shop_btn_tab=\"true\" product_name=\"Lao Gan Ma Spicy Chili Crisp (Chili Oil Sauce) - 7.41 Ounce+ Only one NineChef Spoon\" product_price=\"9.98\" product_category=\"Grocery\" product_retailer=\"First SuperMarket\" content_rating=\"\" \/]<\/center>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t
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