As common as the stories of gardeners getting too many zucchini are the stories of monstrously oversized fruits! Zucchini will continue growing for as long as you leave them on the plants. Unless you're trying to grow the largest in the county to enter at the local fair, pick your zucchini frequently<\/p>\r\nThe right time to harvest zucchini is when they're between eight and ten inches long because they're tender and have the best flavor at this stage. Use sharp garden shears to cut the zucchini off the plant, and cut at an angle so that rainwater can't pool on the cut stem.\r\n\r\nHow many zucchini will you get from your plants? Well, getting tender zucchini isn't the only reason to harvest them when they're small. Josh from PanAmerican Seed says that the more you harvest, the more zucchini your plants will produce throughout the season. When zucchini are allowed to stay on plants and grow larger, the growing and setting of new fruits slows down.\r\n