
Various cultures around the world have their own traditional holiday cookie: cutout and glaze-painted sugar and gingerbread cookies in the United States, speculaas<\/em> (Dutch windmill cookies) in the Netherlands, or zimtsterne<\/em> (cinnamon stars) in Germany and Switzerland, to name just a few. In Greece, Cyprus and nearby areas, melomakarona<\/em> (honey cookies) are found everywhere during the Christmas season.<\/p>\n

Unlike most cookies that call for butter, melomakarona use olive oil to create a dough that can be mixed and gently kneaded by hand. The baked Greek Christmas cookies are then dipped in a honey syrup that moistens the crumbly cookie texture as the syrup soaks in. It’s one of our favorite traditional Greek recipes<\/a>.<\/p>\n

What are melomakarona?<\/h2>\n

These cookies get their name from meli,<\/em> meaning honey, and makaria,<\/em> meaning blessed. In Greece, these cookies have long been a popular sweet treat enjoyed during the Twelve Days of Christmas. Although many variations exist, the traditional recipes lack eggs and butter so that they can be enjoyed by fasting Orthodox Christians.<\/p>\n

The cookies have a hint of sweetness in the dough, but it’s the honey coating that makes them stand out on a holiday tray. In this recipe, fresh-from-the-oven cookies are dipped into a cooled honey syrup (some variations use the opposite approach and soak room-temperature cookies in a hot syrup). This hot-and-cold combination results in the syrup soaking in without making the cookies mushy. Either approach works, but the cooled syrup route may be easiest (and safest) if you’re baking with kids.<\/p>\n

Melomakarona Ingredients<\/h2>\n